Board of Certification, Inc.

The Board of Certification (BOC) Inc. was originally established in 1970 to set up a program for certifying Athletic Training Students and created qualifications for recertifying current Certified Athletic Trainers. The certification program for entry-level Athletic Trainers was meant to establish standards to meet in order to enter the profession of Athletic training.

When the BOC began it was part of the National Athletic Trainers' Association and is now commonly called NATABOC, incorporating both names. In 1989 the BOC became an independent corporation. By 1999 this organization had finished defining the profession of athletic training by completing a role delineation study. Through this study the NATABOC wanted to determine what skills and knowledge should be required in order to perform the daily tasks of a Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC). This is when the six domains of athletic training were established and include:

  1. Prevention of athletic injuries
  2. Recognition, evaluation, and assessment of injuries
  3. Immediate care of injuries
  4. Treatment, rehabilitation, and reconditioning of athletic injuries
  5. Health care administration
  6. Professional development and responsibility

Requirements for certification

Once athletic training students have completed all requirements they become eligible to take the certification test which is given by NATABOC, the only organization through which athletic trainers can become certified in the United States. . This requires proof of graduation from an accredited college or university, and

The BOC and the Canadian Athletic Therapists’ Association made an agreement in 2005 which allows BOC certified athletic trainers to take the exam for the Canadian Athletic Therapists Association.

Continuing education

NATABOC has also established continuing education requirements for current ATCs in order to maintain their certification. This is met by completing at least eighty continuing education units (CEUs) throughout a three-year period. These CEUs can be obtained by:

See also


External links