Blow Job (cocktail)

Blow Job
Type Mixed drink shooter/drink shot
Primary alcohol by volume
Standard drinkware
Shot glass
Commonly used ingredients
  • 12 US fl oz (15 ml) Baileys
  • 12 US fl oz (15 ml) Kahlúa
  • 14 US fl oz (7.4 ml)


  • whipped cream top
Preparation Pour ½ oz Baileys and ½ oz Kahlúa in shot glass. Then slowly pour in 1/4 oz amaretto (creating a layered look) and top with whipped cream. Serve.

A Blow Job is a shooter mixed drink made by slowly pouring Baileys Irish Cream and Kahlúa and Amaretto and topping with whipped cream without mixing. It dates back to at least the early 1990s. It is usually consumed without using one's hands.
