Bloodhound (cocktail)

Type Cocktail
Primary alcohol by volume
Served ice
Standard garnish

Strawberries (normally 3)

Standard drinkware cocktail, tumbler or flute
Commonly used ingredients
Preparation Shake alcoholic ingredients and serve over crushed ice with strawberry coulis and strawberries garnish

A Bloodhound is a cocktail made with gin, vermouth and strawberry coulis.


This drink was at its most fashionable in London in the 1920s, and is regarded as an acquired taste by many.


A lesser-known variation with raspberries instead of strawberries is called a Halsdon. The raspberries are liquidised with sufficient icing sugar to mellow their sourness, and thus forms a sort of raspberry coulis. An equal volume of the coulis is added to the shaken mix of dry, sweet (blanc) vermouth and plymouth gin. A more striking variation comprises vodka, tomato juice, and sherry.