Blatino Erotica Awards

(Clockwise from left::) Tyson Kobie, Cornbread, Miguel, Shorty J., Castro a.k.a. Supreme, and Brick at the 2010 Blatino Erotica Awards.

The Blatino Erotica Awards are given to recognize gay men of color who have distinguished themselves in adult entertainment.

History and Conception

The Blatino Erotica Awards began in 2007, as part of Blatino Oasis at Palm Springs, California, a “vacation getaway” for gay and bisexual men of color.[1] The sixth and most recent award ceremony occurred in May, 2012.[2] The Award’s intention is, in the words of its organizers, to “recognize the often overlooked contributions of men of African or Latino descent who either work in the adult entertainment industry or ... whose work ... is classified as erotic or sexy in nature.”[3] The creator of the Blatino Erotica Awards is Joe Hawkins, a well-known black gay activist. In 1989, he was one of the first openly gay men of color to appear on a national television show, namely, The Oprah Winfrey Show.[4]

Blatino Erotica Awards vs. FlavaMen Blatino Awards

The Blatino Erotica Awards must not be confused with the FlavaMen Blatino Awards, which were created in 2009 and are connected with Flava Works. There has been some controversy over the closeness of the two names.[5]


The awardees so far have included such well-known porn stars as Tiger Tyson (2007), Marc Williams (2008), Bobby Blake (2009), Ty Lattimore (2010), Diesel Washington (2011), and Randy Cochran (2012).[6]


  1. “Gay Men of Color Getaway to Palm Springs,” Edge (April 9, 2012).
  2. As reported in the Gay Porn Times (April 30, 2012).
  3. For this phrase, see
  4. See Matthew S. Bajko, “Club Promoter Brings a Hip-Hop Beat to Pride,” The Bay Area Reporter (June 25, 2009).
  5. See J. C. Adams, “FlavaMen Blatino Awards Respond to Copycat Accusation,” xbis (August 25, 2009).
  6. For a more complete list, see

External links