
Giant likeness of Kazybek Biy in Karaganda, Kazakhstan

Biy (Kazakh: Би) were elected judges and administrators in Kazakhstan.[1] Biys are below Sultans in rank.[2]

According to the website of the Embassy of The Republic of Kazakhstan: In the 17th and 18th Centuries the nomadic Jungar tribes directed by the Chinese Bogdykhans started a large scale war against the Kazakh khanate. However, thanks to the courage of the “batyrs” (knights), the decisiveness of the Kazakh leader Ablai Khan, the diplomatic skills of the Kazakh ‘biys’ (sages) Tole Bi, Kazdausty Kazybek Bi, Aiteke Bi, and self-sacrifice of the people, the Kazakhs escaped total capture and physical annihilation.[3][4]
