Biopharm Australia

Biopharm Australia is an Australian pharmaceutical company.

Company profile

Founded in Australia in the 1980s, Biopharm Australia is a world leader in the research and development of sulfated polysaccharides for use in veterinary medicine and has ongoing research and development commitments in osteoarthritis, musculoskeletal disease and cancer.

Biopharm Australia pioneered the veterinary development of sodium pentosan polysulfate as a disease modifying osteoarthritis drug (DMOAD) under the brand Cartrophen. The company invests heavily in the research and development of medicines that improve animal quality of life and strengthen the human-animal bond.


Biopharm Australia was incorporated in 1987 in Sydney, Australia. It was established to advance healthy treatments for osteoarthritis.

In the late 1980s Biopharm Australia began collaborating on osteoarthritis treatments. Its sodium pentosan polysulfate was registered under licence in Australia as Anarthron D for Dogs and Anarthron H for Horses. Nowadays, the finished products are known as Cartrophen Vet or Anarthron in some countries and Cartrophen Equine Forte and are available for veterinarians.

After first registrations for Cartrophen Vet in Australia and New Zealand in 1989, Biopharm Australia achieved registrations in the 1990s in Europe and North America including United Kingdom, Ireland, Finland and Canada.

In the 2000s Cartrophen Vet was registered in Austria*, Belgium*, Denmark, Germany, France*, the Netherlands*, Sweden and Japan. The horse equivalent product Cartrophen Equine Forte was registered in New Zealand and the United Arab Emirates.

In the early 2010s Cartrophen Equine Forte was registered in Australia. At the same time Biopharm’s product Cartrophen Vet achieved registrations in Poland, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland*, Argentina and Chile.

Registrations Cartrophen Vet

2014: Cartrophen Vet is registered in 20 countries including Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Ireland, Finland, Canada, Austria*, Belgium*, Denmark, Germany, France*, the Netherlands*, Sweden, Japan, Poland, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland*, Argentina and Chile

Registrations Cartrophen Equine Forte

2014: Cartrophen Equine Forte is registered in Australia, New Zealand and the United Arab Emirates.

[*Cartrophen Vet is registered as Anarthron in these countries]


Cartrophen products are for the treatment of non-infectious inflammatory joint disease in dogs and horses. The quality of Biopharm products is assured by the excellence of its testing laboratories, accredited by the National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia (NATA) and licenced by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). Both authorities are internationally recognized including European countries and Canada.

Cartrophen Vet (for dogs and horses)

Cartrophen Equine Forte (for horses)

[**12x10mL ValuPack only in Australia; ***40mL vial only in Australia and New Zealand]


External links