Bing (TV series)

Bing is a 2014 television series based on the books by Ted Dewan and produced by Acamar Films. It airs on Cbeebies. The series centers on a cheerful three-year-old bunny rabbit called Bing (voiced by child actor Elliot Kerley), with episodes involving him learning how to cope with new experiences, such as playing nicely and imaginatively, caring for toys, handling tantrums and how to go pee-pee in a potty. Mark Rylance voices Flop, a toy dog who is Bing's guardian, who comforts and assists Bing when he is facing a problem. Bing also has several friends to play with - Sula (an elephant) Coco (also a bunny) and Pando (a panda) and each of these characters have toy carers of their own. Bing's catchphrase is "It's a Bing thing!" which he usually states when having successfully conquered a troubling task or enjoyed a new childhood experience.


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