Bima Sultanate

Sultanate of Bima
Kesultanan Bima Mbojo

Bima Sultanate palace
Capital Bima
Languages Bima
Religion Islam
Government Sultanate
Sultan Sultan Abdul Kahir
 -  the King of Bima converted to Islam 1620
 -  annexation by Dutch East Indies 1669
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The Bima Sultanate was a Muslim state on Sumbawa's east coast in Indonesia, at the site of the present-day regency of Bima.[1]


Bima Kingdom was the forerunner of the Sultanate of Bima. The system of government, enhanced and adapted to the system prevailing in the Kingdom of Gowa. Besides Sangaji and Tureli Nggampo, well appointed Tureli (Minister), Jeneli (subdistrict), Gelara (the village). Shipping and commerce were growing rapidly. Ships and boats increased in number and quality. Follow the navigation and commerce of Gowa empire.

Enhanced security of the kingdom as well. Army and Marine facilities and armament updated. War commander held by Renda, who served as commander of the army. Navy led by an admiral who called Pabise. The work done by two brothers, managed to succeed. So at the end of the 15th century, the Kingdom of Bima Mbojo into a crowded commercial center in the eastern archipelago, besides Gowa and Ternate. At that time, the Kingdom of Bima Mbojo was a rice warehouse in addition to Lombok.

Developments in the field of literature and art and culture was quite bright. Manggampo Donggo introduces characters which learned from Gowa. It eventually became the character Mbojo alphabet. Arts and culture of Gowa studied and developed in the community. Thus, was born Mbojo cultural arts, a lot of similarities with Makassar and Bugis arts and culture.

Mbojo Bima kingdom's territory, stretching from Satonda in the west to the east of Alor and Solor. Expansion of the region conducted by La Mbila, son Bilmana. Kingdom of Bima Mbojo had its glory, continued to survive until the Sangaji Wa'a Ndapa Ma died, the son of Manggampo Donggo around the 16th century AD.

Became the Sultanate

Meeting of VOC and Sultan Bima

During the King administration XXVII, the title "Ta Ma Bata Wadu Ruma". According to BO (old record in Bima Palace), was married to the sister of the wife of Sultan Alauddin Makassar named Daeng Sikontu, daughter Karaeng Kassuarang. He accepted Islam in 1050 H or 1620 AD, then the king or the Sangaji Bima dubbed the "Sultan" the Sultan of Bima I, he is with his Muslim name "Sultan Abdul Kahir". After Sultan Bima I died and was succeeded by his son Sirajuddin the Sultan Abdul Khair Sultan II, changing the system of government based on "Hadat and Islamic Law". It is valid until the reign of Sultan Bima XIII (Sultan Ibrahim). Sultan Abdul Khair Sirajuddin was the son of Sultan Abdul was born. Was born in April 1627 (Ramadan 1038 H), titled Uma Teak Ruma monitored. He was also named La Mbila, the Makassar called "I Ambela". Died on July 22, 1682 (17 Rajab 1099 AH), buried in Tolobali. Married the sister of Sultan Hasanuddin, named Karaeng Bonto Je'ne, on 13 September 1646 (22 Rajab 1066 AH), in Makassar. Abdul Khair Sirajuddin crowned the Sultan of Bima II, in 1640 (1050 H). [2] Abubakar Sultan Nuruddin Ali Shah was the son of Sultan Abdul Khair Sirajuddin. Was born on December 5, 1651 (29 Dhul-Hijjah 1061 AH). People Makassar was given the title "bung Mappara Din Daeng Matali Karaeng Panaragang". Ascended the throne in 1682 (Dhul-Hijjah 1093 AH). Married to Tamemang Daeng, brother Raja Tallo Karaeng Langkese daughter ± on May 7, 1684 (22 Jumada 1095 H). After his death, was entitled "Ma Ruma Wa'a Paju", because the first thing to wear yellow umbrellas position known as "Paju Monca".[3]

Bima Sultanate surrendered to the VOC on 8 December 1669 with an agreement signed in Jakarta.[4]


  1. Haris, Thawaluddin (1997). Kerajaan tradisional di Indonesia: Bima. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI. p. 89.
  2. "Sejarah Bima". Retrieved 9 January 2013.
  3. "Sejarah Bima". Retrieved 9 January 2013.
  4. "Dana Ro Rasaku Mbojo Mantika Moci". Retrieved 9 January 2013.