Big Bang Love, Juvenile A

Big Bang Love, Juvenile A
Directed by Takashi Miike
Produced by Shiro Sasaki
Takeshi Watanabe
Written by Masa Nakamura
Cinematography Masahito Kaneko
Release dates
August 26, 2006
Country Japan
Language Japanese

Big Bang Love, Juvenile A (46億年の恋, 46-okunen no koi, lit. "4.6 billion year Love") is a 2006 film directed by Takashi Miike.


In an unknown future, Jun confesses to the murder of another boy, Shiro, an all-boy juvenile detention facility. The story follows two detectives trying to uncover the case through interviews and intersperses testimonies by the inmates and the prison employees with events in the lives of Jun and Shiro. Jun, who is incarcerated for the murder of his rapist, forms an intensely close bond with Shiro, who is in prison for a murder and the rape of a woman. Shiro protects Jun with fanatical intensity and violence from the other boys, though his intentions toward Jun are not clear. The highly symbolic visuals and dialogue contrast with the routine nature of the police investigation, creating a somewhat surreal commentary on the nature of violence and salvation throughout the film.


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