
Cafeteria roenbergensis
Scientific classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Chromalveolata
Division: Heterokontophyta
Order: Bicosoecida
Honigberg et al., 1964, Zhukov, 1978, Karpov, 1998, 2000

Bicosoeca James-Clark, 1866[1]
(= Bikoeca Stein, 1878[2])

  • Bikoecida Stein, 1878
  • Bicoecinae Grassé, 1926[3]
  • Bicoecidea Grassé & Deflandre in Grassé, 1952[4]
  • Bicosoecales Bourrelly, 1968, 1981
  • Bicoecales Kristiansen, 1972[5]
  • Bicosoecophyceae Casper, 1974, Loeblich III & Loeblich 1979[6]
  • Bicosoecea Cavalier-Smith, 1986
  • Bicoecia Cavalier-Smith, 1989
  • Bicoecea Cavalier-Smith, 1993
  • Bicocoecida van den Hoek et al., 1995
  • Bikosea Cavalier-Smith 2013

The bicosoecids, formally Bicosoecida (ICZN) or Bicosoecales/Bicoecea (ICBN), are a small group of unicellular flagellates, included among the heterokonts. The cells are free-living, with no chloroplasts, and in some genera are encased in a lorica.

The name of the type genus Bicosoeca is derived from Greek roots ("vase" and "to inhabit"). The group was formerly considered to be related to the Chrysophyceae.[7]

Some authors use the vernacular term "bicosoecid" (or "bicoecid") in a narrower sense, only for Bicosoeca, aplying "bicoeceans" to Bicosoeca and related groups like Cafeteria.[8]

External links



  1. James-Clark, H. (1868). On the Spongia Ciliatae as Infusoria Flagellata; or, observations on the structure, animality, and relationship of Leucosolenia botryoides, Bowerbank. Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History, 1 (3): 305-340. Abstract published in the Proceedings of this Society in June 20, 1866 (vol. 11, p. 15).
  2. Stein, F. R. (1878). Der Organismus der Infusionsthiere, vol . 3, part 1. W. Engelmann, Leipzig.
  3. Grassé, P.-P. Contribution à l'étude des flagellés parasites. Archives de zoologie expérimentale et générale, t. 65, 1926, pp. 345-602 [576], disponible at Gallica.
  4. Grassé, P.-P. & Deflandre, G . (1952). Ordre des Bicoecidea. In: Grassé, P.-P. (Ed.). Traité de Zoologie. Vol. 1, fasc. 1. Phylogénie. Protozoaries: Generalités, Flagellés. Masson et Cie, Paris. 599-601.
  5. Jørgen Kristiansen. (1972). Structure and occurrence of Bicoeca crystallina, with remarks on the taxonomic position of the Bicoecales. British Phycological Journal, 7:1, 1-12
  6. Loeblich, A. R., III and L. A. Loeblich. 1979. Division Chrysophyta, pp. 411-423. In: CRC Handbook of Microbiology, 2nd ed., vol. 2, Fungi, Algae, Protozoa, and Viruses, ed. by A. I.Laskin and H. A. Lechevalier, CRC Press, Inc., West Palm Beach, FL.
  7. David J. Hibberd (1978) Bicosoeca accreta sp. nov., a flagellate accumulating extraneous silica fragments, British Phycological Journal, 13:2, 161-166.
  8. Cavalier-Smith, T; Chao, E. E. (2006). "Phylogeny and megasystematics of phagotrophic heterokonts (kingdom Chromista)". Journal of Molecular Evolution 62 (4): 388–420. doi:10.1007/s00239-004-0353-8. PMID 16557340. Supplementary material .
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