Bicci di Lorenzo

Fresco of Saint Jude the Apostle, painted in Florence Cathedral

Bicci di Lorenzo (1373–1452) was an Italian painter and sculptor, active in Florence.

He was born in Florence in 1373, the son of the painter, Lorenzo di Bicci, whose workshop he joined. He married in 1418, and in 1424 was registered in the Guild of Painters at Florence. His son, Neri di Bicci was also a painter and took over the family workshop. Bicci di Lorenzo died in Florence in 1452 and was buried in Santa Maria del Carmine.

Following early work – largely frescoes – in collaboration with his father, he received a number of important commissions, including, according to Vasari, from the Medici for a cycle of frescoes of Illustrious Men for the Palazzo Medici. For the Opera del Duomo, he painted frescoes of the apostles. And he painted a Saints Cosmas and Damian and frescoes representing the dedication of the church itself for Sant'Egidio in the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova.

His best paintings are now thought to be the Madonna in Trono now in the National Gallery at Parma, the Three stories of St Nicholas triptych in the cathedral of Fiesole, and a Nativity in the church of San Giovannino dei Cavalieri in Florence. There are frescoes of his in the entrance to the Compagni chapel in the church of Santa Trinita, and in the area around Florence, there are frescoes in Empoli and at Lastra a Signa. Tempera panels depicting Saints John the Baptist and Miniato and Anthony and Stephen are found in the Legion of Honor Museum in San Francisco.

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Further Reading