Bible translations into Lithuanian

The first small fragments of Bible and few Bible terms were probably translated as early as the 14th century, together with the baptism of Lithuania. The first texts of the Holy Scriptures in the Lithuanian language appeared in the middle of the 16th century following the spread of the Reformation.[1] The first book in Lithuanian, "The Catechism" by Martynas Mažvydas, published in 1547, contained ten commandments of God, two psalms, extracts from the Gospels and the epistles of apostles. In 1579-1580 Jonas Bretkūnas completed translation of the Bible, but it was not published. Samuel Bogusław Chyliński printed a Bible in Oxford in 1659. Prepared by a great number of Protestant translators (Johann Jakob Quandt, Jonas Berentas, Petras Gotlybas Milkus, Pilypas Ruigys, Adomas Fridrichas Simelpenigis and others), the Lithuanian Bible was first published in 1735 in Königsberg (in Lithuanian, Karaliaučius).[1]


External links

interwiki see lt:Biblija Lietuviška Biblija section.