Bhuti Varman

Part of a series on the
History of Kamarupa
Rulers and Events

Bhuti Varman or Mahabhuta Varman, ruled Kamarupa from the Varman dynasty for the period 518-542, was son of Kamrupi King Narayana Varman and Queen Devavati.


Mahabhuta Varman is mentioned in the Harsha Charita as Bhuti Varman. As a matter of fact, in line 51 of the Nidhanpur inscription itself Mahabhuta Varman is referred to as Bhuti Varman. Evidently he was popularly known as Bhuti Varman. He married Vijnanavati and had successor to throne named Chandramukha Varman.[1] He married Bhogavati and had successor to throne named Sthita Varman.

See also


  1. Nagendranath Vasu (1922), The Social History of Kamarupa, P.142

Further reading

  • Vasu, Nagendranath, The Social History of Kamarupa
  • Tripathi, Chandra Dhar, Kāmarūpa-Kaliṅga-Mithilā:a politico-cultural alignment in Eastern India : history, art, traditions, Indian Institute of Advanced Study
  • Wilt, Verne David, Kamarupa
  • Majumdar, Ramesh Chandra, Ancient India
  • Kapoor, Subodh, Encyclopaedia of ancient Indian geography
  • Sen, Sailendra Nath, Ancient Indian History and Civilization
  • Kapoor, Subodh, The Indian encyclopaedia: biographical, historical, religious,administrative, ethnological, commercial and scientific
  • Sarkar, Ichhimuddin, Aspects of historical geography of Prāgjyotiṣa-Kāmarūpa (ancient Assam)
  • Deka, Phani, The great Indian corridor in the east
  • Pathak, Guptajit, Assam's history and its graphics
  • Samiti, Kāmarūpa Anusandhāna, Readings in the history & culture of Assam