Bhussi Kathian

Bhussi Kathian(also Bhusi Kathia) is a village located in District Toba Tek Singh of Punjab Province in Pakistan. It is located on the bank of River Ravi. It had been the residence of the Kathia tribe, who had strong hold of the area since pre-partition era. They were active in politics and were in close friendship with English officers and enjoyed a lot of favours. Huge masses of land were allotted to the resident of Bhussi Kathian, therefore it became the center of power and wealth. The resident of area lacked education and their income was dependent on agriculture. Other caste include Sherazi Syed.

Annual festival "Jashn e Naurooz" is celebrated here in spring, On 20–23 March. it is having religious significance and is of traditional type. Horse Dance, Dog fight, Bull race and Volleyball are the games played here in. Now the trend is changing and youth is getting education and are doing respectful jobs

Notable Personalities