Bhaskar Varman

Part of a series on the
History of Kamarupa
Rulers and Events

Kumar Bhaskar Varman (Pron:kʊˈmɑ: ˈbʌskə ˈvɑ:mən) (600–650) was the last and most illustrious ruler of the Varman dynasty of Kamarupa Kingdom. He came to power after his brother Supratisthita Varman had died. A bachelor king, he died without an heir. After his death Salasthambha, who established the Mlechchha dynasty, acquired power in Kamarupa Kingdom.


He is known for his alliance with Harshavardhana against Shashanka, the first major ruler of Bengal (Karnasuvarna). Bhaskarvarman issued the Nidhanpur copper plate grant from his camp at Karnasuvarna and it moved into his control for a short period.[1]

Xuanzang's accounts

The Chinese traveler, Xuanzang, visited him in his court and left an informative account of the kingdom, noting the King's patronization of Buddhism though he was not a Buddhist.[2] He said he crossed a great river Karatoya before entering the Kamarupa. The eastern boundary was a line of hills close to the Chinese frontier. He also said Kamarupa was nearly 1700 miles in circumference. The climate was genial. The people were honest. Their speech differed a little from that of mid-India. They were of violent disposition but were persevering students. They worshipped the Devas and did not believe in Buddhism. The Deva-temples were some hundreds in number and the various systems had some myriads of professed adherents. The few Buddhists in the country performed their acts of devotion in secret. The pilgrim ascertained from the people that to the east of the country was a series of hills which reached as far as the confines of China. The inhabitants of these hills were akin to the "Man of the Lao". In the south-east of the country elephants were plentiful.Bhaskar Varman was Hindu of Brahmin Caste and not Buddhist.[3]

See also


  1. Ghosh (Banglapedia)
  2. (Gait 1906:53-55)
  3. (Gait 1926:23-24)


  • Gait, E A (1906), A History of Assam, Thacker, Spink and Co., Calcutta
  • Gait, Sir Edward (1926), A History of Assam, Lawyer's Book Stall, Guwahati
  • Ghosh, Suchandra. Karnasuvarna, Banglapedia.
  • Kāmarūpa-Kaliṅga-Mithilā:a politico-cultural alignment in Eastern India : history, art, traditions by Chandra Dhar Tripathi, Indian Institute of Advanced Study