Better Off Out

Better Off Out (BOO) is the name of a non-party campaign run by The Freedom Association to call for the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union. It was formed in 2006,[1] it is based in Cheltenham, England.

The patrons of the campaign are Lord Tebbit,[1] the former Chairman of the Conservative Party, Frederick Forsyth CBE,[2] the best-selling author and Professor Tim Congdon CBE, an economist and former UKIP PPC.

The late Lord Weatherill, the former Speaker of the House of Commons was also a patron of the campaign.[2]

In 2007 the Conservative Central Office warned that BOO was contrary to Conservative party policy.[1]


It is supported by a number of Conservative Members of Parliament including Peter Bone,[3] Christopher Chope,[2] David T C Davies,[2] Philip Davies (Conservative),[2] Gordon Henderson, Philip Hollobone,[2] David Nuttall, Andrew Percy, Laurence Robertson and Richard Shepherd.[2] There are a number of Conservative former Members of Parliament who supported Better Off Out[4] The Conservative MEPs David Campbell-Bannerman, Roger Helmer (who has since left the Conservative party and joined UKIP) and Daniel Hannan have also signed.[5]

The Labour MP for Great Grimsby, Austin Mitchell is also a supporter.[3] There are or were a number of Democratic Unionist Party MPs and Members of the Northern Ireland Legislative Assembly, including their leader Peter Robinson (though he has since expressed support for continued EU membership) and former leader Ian Paisley,[6] as well as prominent members of the smaller Traditional Unionist Voice.[7]

A large number of UKIP members, including MEPS, have signed.. Also UKIP MPs, Mark Reckless and Douglas Carswell are signatories.

Other non political supporters include the academics Ruth Lea,[2] Patrick Minford[2] and Alan Walters as well as Ranulph Fiennes and David Bellamy.

See also

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