Best results of countries at major gymnastics competitions
This is a list of countries according to the best position achieved by athletes of these nations in each discipline of the four major Gymnastics competitions approved by the Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique: the World Gymnastics Championships, the Summer Olympic Games, the Youth Olympic Games and the World Games. The conventions used on this table follow the FIG's guidelines, namely: ACRO for Acrobatic Gymnastics, AER for Aerobic Gymnastics, MAG for Men's Artistic Gymnastics, WAG for Women's Artistic Gymnastics, RG for Rhythmic Gymnastics and TRA for Trampoline and Tumbling. The table is pre-sorted by total number of gold medal results, silver medal results and bronze medal results, respectively. When equal ranks are given, countries are listed in alphabetical order. Defunct NOCs or historical teams are listed in italics; their rankings, nevertheless, are not counted in this list.