Beppo-Levi space

In functional analysis, a branch of mathematics, a Beppo-Levi space, named after Beppo Levi, is a certain space of generalized functions.

In the following, D′ is the space of distributions, S′ is the space of tempered distributions in Rn, Dα the differentiation operator with α a multi-index, and \widehat{v} is the Fourier transform of v.

The Beppo-Levi space is

\dot{W}^{r,p} = \left \{v \in D' \ : \ |v|_{r,p,\Omega} < \infty \right \},

where |⋅|r,p denotes the Sobolev semi-norm.

An alternative definition is as follows: let mN, sR such that

-m + \tfrac{n}{2} < s < \tfrac{n}{2}

and define:

H^s &= \left \{ v \in S' \ : \ \widehat{v} \in L^1_\text{loc}(\mathbf{R}^n), \int_{\mathbf{R}^n} |\xi|^{2s}| \widehat{v} (\xi)|^2 \, d\xi < \infty \right \} \\ [6pt]
X^{m,s} &= \left \{ v \in D' \ : \ \forall \alpha \in \mathbf{N}^n, |\alpha| = m, D^{\alpha} v \in H^s \right \} \\ 

Then Xm,s is the Beppo-Levi space.
