Ben Ohmart

Newlyweds Ben Ohmart and wife in Kyoto, Japan, in April 2006.

Ben Ohmart is an American publisher of media-related biographies and books on old-time radio, films and television through his BearManor Media, located in Albany, Georgia.

Ohmart developed his back list of more than 250 titles after launching BearManor Media in 2001 because of his own frustration with the publishing industry:

I started this publishing company in 2001, as a writer. I learned how hard it was to tap into the mainstream market with what is essentially nostalgia fodder. So I published The Great Gildersleeve myself. Then I learned something important. I seemed to enjoy the publishing side more than the writing side, so, when I began to get offers to publish other people's work (Jane Kean was one of the first), I began doing what I love full time. It still doesn't seem like work. And I know now that that's the greatest life of all... From there, it just took off. I realized that I enjoy the publishing side more than the writing, so I encouraged others to write more about radio, voice actors and those wonderful supporting players that never really got their due. I mean, I'd rather see a first book on the Ritz Brothers than the 50th book on James Dean.[1]

Ohmart's current biographies include Don Ameche (with a foreword by John Landis) and Disney composer Buddy Baker. Among the books published by Ohmart is the biography of Shirley Booth by film historian Jim Manago.


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