Bell Ihua

COO NOIPolls Limited

Dr. Bell Ihua (born Ugwushi Bellema Ihua, December 20, 1979) is a Researcher, Lecturer, Management Consultant and Private Sector Development Expert. He is Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Director of Research at NOIPolls Limited. He has professional experience in consulting, teaching, research, applying skills to conceptualizing applied research projects, designing robust research methodologies, managing teams of researchers and preparing technical reports & articles. He is a member of the Ihua-Maduenyi family, from Ahoada town in Ahoada-East local government area of Rivers State, Nigeria. He is a committed Christian, and married with children.

Education and background

Bell was born and raised in Lagos, Nigeria, where he fostered his early years of education up to senior secondary school. He later moved to the capital of Nigeria, Abuja to further his education as an Accounting major at the University of Abuja. Bell was actively involved in several associations and the student union movement on campus. He was Financial Secretary of the Students Union Government (SUG), and Vice President and later Editor-in-Chief of Nigerian Universities Accounting Student Association (NUASA). He also held the role of Public Relations Officer, and later, Vice President of the National Union of Rivers and Bayelsa State Student (NURBSS).

After working in Audit and Professional Services for some years, Bell relocated to the United Kingdom for further studies; first to the city of Birmingham, where he obtained an MSc in Business Management at Birmingham City University. During this period, he met with Professor Temi Abimbola (now a Director at the African Development Bank Institute), who mentored him. After completing his MSc in Business Management, he moved to Aberdeen in Scotland to further his studies at the Robert Gordon University, where he obtained an MSc in Knowledge Management and taught research and academic writing. He has published journal articles and technical papers. He also holds an MBA from the University of Ado-Ekiti, with bias in Entrepreneurship & Strategy; researching into the role of SMEs as catalysts of economic growth & development, under the supervision of Dr. (Mrs.) A.R. Ayeni-Agbaje.

Bell moved to Canterbury in 2007, and received his PhD from Kent Business School (KBS), University of Kent. He was a PhD student at the Centre for Value Chain Research (CVCR) in KBS under the tutelage of Professor Andrew Fearne, through whom he later met Professor David Hughes, Emeritus Professor of Food Marketing at Imperial College London. He considers Professors Temi Abimbola, Andrew Fearne & David Hughes his greatest academic mentors. Bell was an active member of the Nigerian Student Association at the University of Kent, where he had the opportunity of mentoring a number of undergraduate & postgraduate students. He also chaired the committee of the International Conference of Nigerian Students (ICON) in 2010. Since 1985 he has been an active member of the Boys’ Brigade (BB) Society; rising through the ranks from a ‘Company Boy’ to ‘Lieutenant Officer’ and serving in various capacities ranging from Snare Drummer, Trumpeter and Band Leader, to Parade Commander and Camp Instructor.


Dr. Bell is Chief Operating Officer at NOIPolls, an opinion polling and research company based in Abuja, Nigeria.[1] Prior to his career in research, Bell spent many years working in professional audit services, business development and management consulting. He has offered business development services (BDS) to designing and implementing effective pro-poor projects using M4P (Making Markets Work for the Poor) approach, for international development institutions, foundations, government agencies, and corporations. Bell is an expert in SME Development.[2]

Upon joining NOIPolls as Director of Research in February 2012, Bell was given the responsibility of managing the company’s niche opinion polling and research consulting service. He managed the setting up of the company’s field force, which now manages several PAN Nigeria surveys & research assignments. Prior to joining the company Bell was a member of the academic faculty of Coventry Business School, Coventry University, United Kingdom, where he taught business management modules and supervised undergraduate and post-graduate dissertations under the Department of Strategy & Applied Management. Prior to Coventry University, Bell held Research Associate & Part-time Lecturing positions at the Centre for Value Chain Research (CVCR), Kent Business School (KBS) at University of Kent in Canterbury, United Kingdom.

He is championing the company’s on-going expansion in the West African region.

Articles, conference papers, and presentations

Ihua, U. B. and Siyanbola, T. O. (2012). Critical challenges limiting small business performance in Nigeria: an exploratory investigation. International Journal of Business and Globalisation. Vol 9(2) pp. 171-185.

Cacciolatti, L., Fearne, A., Ihua, U.B. and Yawson, D. (2012). Types, Sources and Frequency of Use of Formalised Marketing Information as a Catalyst of SME Growth. Journal of Strategic Management Education. 8(1) ISSN 1649-3877.

Ihua, U. B., (2011). Entrepreneurial Implications of Nigeria’s Oil Industry Local Content Policy: Perceptions from the Niger Delta Region. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy. 5(3) pp.

Ihua, U. B. (2010). Local Content Policy and SMEs Sector Promotion: The Nigerian Oil Industry Experience. International Journal of Business and Management. 5(5) pp. 3-13.

Ihua, U. B. (2009), SMEs Key Failure-Factors: A Comparison between the United Kingdom and Nigeria. Journal of Social Science. 18(3) pp. 119–207.

Ihua, U. B., Ajayi, C. And Eloji, K. N. (2009). Nigerian Content Policy in the Oil and Gas Industry: Implications for Small to Medium-Sized Oil-Service Companies. In Sigue, S. P. (2009), Repositioning African Business and Development for the 21st Century, Proceeding of the 10th International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD) Conference in Uganda, pp 163 – 170.

Cacciolatti, L., Donnelly, C., Fearne, A., Ihua, U., Yawson, D., Armstrong, G., and Simmons, G. (2009). Use of Supermarket Panel Data amongst Small to Medium-Sized Businesses in the Food Industry. Paper presented in Conference Proceeding of the Academy of Marketing (AM) Conference hosted in Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK.

Ihua, U. B. (2008). An Exploration into the Use of Supermarket Loyalty Card Data in Small Food Companies in the UK. Poster presented at the 14th Academy of Marketing (AM) Conference, hosted in Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen Scotland, UK, May 12 -15th 2008.

Ihua, U. B. (2008). Knowledge Management in Small to Medium-Sized Enterprises: How does the Management of Consumer Information Impact on Organisational Effectiveness. Paper presented at the 17th EDAMBA Summer Academic Conference, Soréze-France, July.

Ihua, U. B. (2007). Comparative Study on Factors Influencing SMEs Failure between the United Kingdom and Nigeria. Paper presented at the 12th Entrepreneurial Marketing and Small Business SIG in Academy of Marketing Conference Birmingham, UK, January.

Ihua, B. (2011). Strategic, Tactical and Operational Planning in SMEs. Presentation at CTV Foundation Seminar: Women – Building and Sustaining Entrepreneurial Spirit, London UK. February 2011.

Ihua, B. and Siyanbola, W. (2010). Youth Entrepreneurship in Nigeria: “Brain Gain” from the Diaspora. Presentation at the International Conference of Nigerian Students (ICONS). Hosted at University of Kent, Canterbury UK. April 2010. Published online:

Ihua, B. (2010). SMEs in Africa and Knowledge Management. Published online:

Ihua, B. (2008). Growing Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Africa: A Knowledge Management Approach. Published online:

Ihua, B. (2008). SMEs Sector Development under the Obasanjo Administration (May 1999 – May 2003): Blessing or Curse. Presentation at the International Conference of Nigerian Students (ICONS) University of Hull.

Ihua, B. (2007). National Economic Reforms in Nigeria: Did the SMEs Sector Benefit? Published online:

Ihua, B. (2007). ABCs of Knowledge Management for Micro and Small Businesses in Africa, Business Connect. News Letter Published by the Abuja Enterprise Agency, Nigeria.

Ihua, B. (2007). Promoting SMEs Sector Development in Africa: Lessons from the “El-Rufai – Abuja Enterprise Agency” Model. Published online:

Ihua, B. (2007). Tribute to a Living Legend: Chief Dr. Orlando Owoh. Published online:

Professional membership

Member, Academy of Marketing, UK.

Member Chartered Management Institute (MCMI), UK.

Member, Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE), UK.

Associate Member, Institute of Business Consultants (AIBC), UK.

Associate Member, Nigerian Institute of Management (AMNIM), Nigeria

Published textbooks

Ihua, U. B., (2005). Fundamentals of Business Financial Management. Inkomp Systems Publishers, Lagos. ISBN 978-064-585-3.

Ihua, U. B., (2005). Modern Strategic Management: A Fundamental Guide. Inkomp Systems Publishers, Lagos. ISBN 978-064-586-1.

