
Beliatta is a town located in Hambantota District, southern province Sri Lanka near but inland from the coast about 7 km away.

it is the home town of the former president of the Sri Lanka Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa in Hambantota District. the prominent nearest town is Tangalle (7 km). Nearest other towns are Ambalantota (37 km), Walasmulla (14 km) and Matara (33 km).

Sinhalese community (>99%) are almost of population while others are Tamils. Buddhist is the main religion.

This area is famous for the production of coconuts, paddy, pepper and cinnamon.

Beliatta Central College & Dammapala Girl's School are the main two schools in city while Pagngnananda as primary school. Beliatta Central College is located about 0.5 km away from town in Walasmulla road. It was a famous Central College few decades ago which has been converted to boys school in 1994. Dammapala Girl's School is 1.5 km away from city centre in Tangalle road at Puwakdandawa. at the beginning it was a mixed school which is changed to Girl's school same year.

Beliatta Technical college is one of biggest Technical College which opened beginning of Technical College concept that located 0.5 km from the city in Tangalle road. There are wide ranges of courses, with a large number of students training and passing out every year.


People's Bank & Bank of Ceylon are main Government commercial banks available in the town. Seylan Bank is the first private commercial bank established and then Sampath Bank Plc opens their 180th branch at Dickwella road. Commercial Bank of Ceylon Plc also open a branch at the town recently. National Saving Bank (NSB), Cooperative Rural Bank, Regional Development Bank are other licensed banks available at Beliatta.

See also


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    Coordinates: 06°02′00″N 80°45′00″E / 6.03333°N 80.75000°E