
Behari is a word derived from the people living in Bihar (in present India), most of them 98% muslims, having a multi-traditional culture. The language of Behari people are 97% Urdu, with a minor change territorywise, they were the only people practicing and talking in Urdu regularly after its early birth, mostly well civilized due to the tendency of education, mainly doing trade within the region, also 25% of them were farmers. The education pushed them participate in the industrialization in the early 1840s, inside India and they migrated out of Bihar also.

In 1947, the independence of Pakistan and India made these Muslim communities move to a Muslim state as of their self-determination to live in an independent Muslim state, thus 50% of the Beharis moved to the East Pakistan (present Bangladesh) and West Pakistan (Pakistan). In east Pakistan they lived for 24 years and developed their livelihood, made properties, got jobs, education and started a standard living.

However, the Bangla people could not accept the Urdu-speaking Biharis, mostly educated or developed to live in their land on the name of Muslim state or being migrated people .Thus in 1971, these Urdu-speaking Behari people had to move finally to Pakistan as of their cause of the first migration. About 50% of the Beharis still living in Bihar, UP, CP and Lucknow (India), 10% are living in Bangladesh, 4% have moved to Europe at the time of 1971 war in Bangladesh duly rescued by IRC, the rest 37% are today living scattered all over Pakistan, mostly in Karachi otherwise in all cities of Pakistan, engaged with the local culture and language.

Now after 31 years in Pakistan of their migration they are struggling to live a happy life, making properties, seeking education and spending their rest of the life here, old people with the stories of migration and wars and new generation with an ambition in the race with the local.
