Beavis and Butt-head Are Dead

"Beavis and Butt-head Are Dead"
Beavis and Butt-head episode
Episode no. Season 7
Episode 41
Directed by Mike Judge
Yvette Kaplan
Written by Mike Judge
Andy Rheingold
Scott Sonneborn
Production code 801
Original air date November 28, 1997
Running time 20 minutes

"Beavis and Butt-head Are Dead" is the half-hour season seven finale of the animated television series Beavis and Butt-head, and was aired for the first time in the United States on November 28, 1997 as the forty-first episode of the seventh broadcast season and the finale of the original run.


As school starts, Mr. Van Driessen announces role call. For the third week in a row, Beavis and Butt-head are absent from school, and now grows worried about them, wondering where they are. As he makes it to McVicker's office to let him know that they have not been back to school for a long period of time, McVicker tells him to deal with it himself, but Van Driessen suggests they get the secretary, Ms. Tress, to call the duo's parents.

At home, Beavis and Butthead are on the couch, again, and eat a breakfast of nachos, their living room floor scattered with junk food containers and trash, showing that they have been at home comfortably and safely. Though they flip through the TV, hoping for something good, Butthead is irritated, at both of how there's nothing good to watch, and to the phone ringing incessantly. Getting Beavis to answer it, Beavis responds in turn that the two are "dead" in order to get them to not call back anymore, and gets back comfortably to eat his breakfast.

Much to Ms. Tress's reception however, she takes this as fact. Speaking to McVicker, and to the ears of Van Driessen, she announces that the duo, are actually, dead. Upon hearing such news, McVicker announces that was the best news he ever got, and expresses, without his nervous stutter, that it would be either him or them, in joy. Van Driessen can only tear up and mourn.

Back at the duo's home, flipping through channel after channel, Butthead criticizes that all of the shows on TV they have gone through, they have watched already. Though Beavis makes the bold statement that the TV stations expect them to sit through with this crap, they relax and sit through a parody of the Rip Van Dyke show.

In class, Van Driessen is to announce the grave news, but McVicker announces it loud and wide over the school for all teachers to know, and that there will be an immediate faculty meeting for all teachers in the school. To the apathetic and uncaring class before him, Van Driessen reminisces of the times that he and the duo have come to bond- and all ended in disaster, from a camping trip that ended in a bear attack, defending Beavis against Mr. Manners in a sissy fight, to him flying off of a cliff through the bus window because of standing during an extremely sharp turn.

In a state of catharsis over the two, Van Driessen desires anyone from the dead and apathetic class to express their feelings to the dead duo, but picks Daria, knowing that she was the one they usually were seen with. To her words, though she feels slightly bad, she expresses that they did not have very bright futures ahead of them, recalling the experiences she had with the duo. Though brunt and blunt in truth, Van Driessen is thankful for sharing her thoughts, and only hopes that the two found what they were looking for in their harsh and hard lives.

Back at home, Beavis and Butthead continue to flip through the channels, and much to their disappointment, nothing comes of interest nor entertainment to them, as they've seen it all before. Issuing that unless they begin to see boobs and butts, the duo will get pissed off if they don't see anything good.

Back at school, all of the teachers pop open champagne and host a huge party in the teacher's lounge, now happy that the tormenting duo are dead. Though Van Driessen wants to see some empathy and sadness from the teachers, Buzzcut blows up and tells him that it took every ounce of his being to not kill them, to show how hard the two have been on him. Finishing that the duo in his mind kills any of his human dignity and expressing to hope that their deaths were slow and painful, he soon engages in a harsh argument with Van Driessen, which McVicker breaks up. While Van Driessen desires a scholarship and grassroots program to help future students like Beavis and Butthead, McVicker likes the idea, but instead chooses the idea of turning it into a fundraiser for his and the teacher's gains. He then gets the TV station to arrive, in order to garner attention and interest for his plan to be set in motion.

At home, Butthead now spots the news update, detailing the deaths of people at school, and Beavis comes along, happy that something interesting is now on TV. As as Butthead lies that a girl was into him upon making his move, and they mock Stewart for being a wuss on live TV, they soon grow disappointed that he nor anyone else is shown as dead on TV for them to see. Realizing that if they ever want to get to see dead bodies themselves, they head out to the school.

As the TV station gathers live around the school for the deaths of Beavis and Butthead, McVicker smokes a cigar in excitement. As Van Driessen collects change for a grassroots campaign, McVicker is pissed at him, but Van Driessen tells him that the change will bloom into payoffs tomorrow for students in need, and McVicker expresses his delight in how money will come to him. Reminiscing and noticing that they haven't had this much attention since the time when President Clinton visited Highland High, he is high on the times to come.

As a reporter comes by to McVicker to know of his feelings to the now deceased "Brevis" and "Head Butt", McVicker attempts to mask his true feelings of the boys in hopes to garner sympathy with a improv speech. As he steals Van Driessen's intention to start raising money in the duo's names, even hackingly stealing every word of his to garner attention for money to his pocket, and finishes off with how no amount of money would replace them, and that he would give back all of what they would gain for them to come back to life, Beavis and Butthead make it through the crowd, and to his surprise, arrive, alive and well, in front of him.

To McDicker, Butthead is happy to be given the money, and demands it upon his words. With Beavis oblivious that they are the dead ones, wanting to see the dead bodies sprawled about, Butthead continues in his demands and attempts to snag the jar away from McDicker, but McDicker then pulls back in hesitation. As the two tug over the jar, McDicker's true emotions and feelings come to light, expressing that they were supposed to be dead, and that he'll kill them himself. His stutter coming back, and his stress rising once again, all on live TV, McVicker comes to have an intense series of flashbacks, with every thought taking a toll on his brain, and soon, he flops on the floor, with a heart attack. To Beavis' delight, there is now, a dead body, and Butthead has the money.

The two, amused at the grave events that passed, mocking McVicker for his pathetic spasms upon getting a heart attack, and that Buzzcut made out with him, decide to leave, and walk off into the sunset. Though Beavis expresses that they should go back to school to see if anything interesting happens in general in the future, Butthead disagrees, walking away with the small amount of money they got in the jar, and by stating how that they're rich, they'll never have to go to school again.


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