Bazil Broketail

Bazil Broketail is a 1992 fantasy novel by author Christopher Rowley, the name of its main character, and the name of the further series of books featuring him. Bazil is a leatherback dragon serving in the Marneri legions of the Argonath empire on the world of Ryetelth.

There are currently seven books in the series:

  1. Bazil Broketail (1992)
  2. A Sword for a Dragon (1993)
  3. Dragons of War (1994)
  4. Battledragon (1995)
  5. A Dragon at Worlds' End (1997)
  6. Dragons of Argonath (1998)
  7. Dragon Ultimate (1999)


Ryetleth is the name of the world where most of the events in the book take place. It contains two continents and has seen several empires in its history. The first is Veronath, which was known as the Golden Kingdom. It was brought down by the machinations of the demon lord Mach Ingbok, servant of wizards known as the Masters of Padmasa. Outside of the area of Veronath there are small islands known as the Cunfshon Isles. The Cunfshon Isles eventually created an army and pushed the Demonlord out of his hold to form a new empire, the Argonath. The Argonath empire was built on the ruins of the ancient kingdom of Veronath. This empire has stood ever since, gaining a tenuous hold against the great and terrible Masters of Padmasa. The Witches of the Cunfshon Isles have fought ever since to defeat the Masters.

Background information

Concerning Dragons

"Dragons" might be an incorrect term in labeling most of the dragons in this series. They are actually wingless Wyverns with vestigial wing nubs, indicating their once dragon heritage, but later evolved into aquatic creatures. The original Wyverns who agreed to fight for the Legions were predators of the coastal areas. There are true dragons in this series - winged dragons who live wild in the far icy north. None of the dragons, winged or wyvern, are able to breathe fire, although there is mention that the ancestors of the dragons were able to. The wild, winged dragons and wingless Wyverns are genetically similar enough to successfully produce offspring, and speak the same draconic language, though wild dragons generally despise the Wyverns for their dependence on humans.

There are four main types of Wyvern: Leatherback, Hard Green, Gristle, and Brasshide. The Leatherbacks are medium sized dragons, usually weighing around two tons and standing 10–12 feet tall. They are the perfect mixture of strength and speed, and are of a medium intelligence. Leatherbacks of note include Bazil himself, Jumble, Weft, Fury, and Cham. Hard Greens are about the same size and weight as Leatherbacks, but distinguished by harder scaleplates and often high strung temperament. Greens mentioned are Gryff, Anther, Smilgax of Troat, and Hexarion. A sub-breed, Freemartins, are female dragons who were born sterile, and can presumably be of any breed, although the only identified Freemartins (Nesessitas and Alsebra) are both Greens. A third Freemartin named Zed Dek is mentioned, but not identified. Freemartins are generally faster and smarter than other types. Their sterility makes them unable to "fertilize the eggs" as the dragons express it. Gristles are almost non existent in the series (no named character is a Gristle), and the breed is rarely mentioned beyond the first book. The only clue as to their appearance is that they are "hard and angular". The brasshides are the largest of the dragons, weighing in well over two tons. They are slow, ponderous, and deliberate, in both thought and deed. However, with the exception of larger, wild, winged dragons, like the Purple Green, they are easily the strongest of dragons. Well known Brasshides include Chektor, Rusp, Churn, Kepabar, and Burthong. Crullos, a type of brasshide light purple in color also exist, but are rare, (only one, named Vaunce, is mentioned). Dragons cannot see the color purple, and refer to Crullos as "blue".

Dragons are known for two things: fighting and eating. The dragons form the equivalent of tanks, a heavy stiffening force for eliminating the enemy's own shock troops. Cavalry roles are still filled by horses, who grow uneasy around the scent of dragon, causing a strong rivalry between the dragon and cavalry branches. Their hunger for battle is only matched by their hunger for food. While in the Legions they are fed well, albeit on basic foodstuffs such as noodles, stirabout, oatmeal, and bread. The only reason dragons are able to eat these basics foods continually is because of the sauce known as akh, a much-craved combination of onions, garlic, peppers, and other spices. They indulge their carnivorous heritage with seafood and the flesh of downed trolls and horses.

Concerning Argonath

The Argonath empire is built on the ruins of Veronath. The peoples still speak Verio. The significant change is that in the empire of the Argonath, men and women are truly equal. Women can do anything and everything men can do, with the sole exception of serving on the front lines, as that would incur too high a risk of capture. In fact, the people of the Argonath worship the Great Mother, their omnipotent Goddess. However, for some, the gods of old Veronath still exist. The three covered in the books are Caymo, the god of chance and wine; Asgah, god of war; and Gongo, the ruler of hell and the dead.

The Argonath people fight a constant war against the armies of Padmasa. They are occasionally assisted by the Sinni, a race of demigods that come from other worlds or dimensions. Their war is a small facet of a massive struggle across the multiverse, known as the Sphereboard of Destiny, and Ryetleth itself is a bit player in the epic conflicts that sweep across it.

Concerning the Enemy

The Enemy is the nation of Padmasa, a harsh regime ruled by five self proclaimed "Masters". These are men who have studied the arcane magics of death for centuries. Their magic is based primarily on death, and uses death and torture for its purposes. The Masters have found their most powerful magics to reside in the deaths of the wyverns, and hunted them severely before the reptiles joined with humans for mutual protection. The Masters want total control of Ryetelth, and the total subjugation of all its peoples.

Mesomasters are wizards who are on their way to becoming Masters. Directly below Masters in the chain of command, they also command foul death magics. They are often the agents of the Masters, going to other nations to personally ensure the success of the Master's plans.

The Dooms are large spheres of stone that are imbued with intelligence by the Masters. These Dooms rule different cities around Padmasa, including the Doom that was destroyed by Bazil Broketail at Tummuz Orgmeen, and the one that resides in the frozen fortress of Axoxo.

The enemy employs different types of creatures that make up their vast armies. With the exception of humans, they are all formed by magic, usually forcible impregnation of captive females. When in need, they may be fortified by the "black drink", a potion that brings immunity to fear.


