Batrachedra helarcha
Batrachedra helarcha is a species of moth of the Batrachedridae family. It is found in Australia.
Original Description
Male, Female 8-12 mm. Head white, crown usually pale greyish-ochreous posteriorly. Palpi whitish, subbasal and subapical rings of second and terminal joints blackish, scale-projection very slight. Antennae whitish, obscurely ringed and sometimes suffused with fuscous. Thorax and abdomen white, sprinkled with pale grey. Legs whitish, ringed with pale fuscous. Forewings pale greyish-ochreous, sprinkled with fuscous; veins more or less obscurely and variably streaked with whitish and sprinkled with black; first and second discal stigmata linear, black; a black apical dot; cilia on costa ochreous-whitish, at apex fuscous, beneath whitish-fuscous. Hindwings grey; cilia whitish-fuscous. Brisbane, Queensland; Sydney, New South Wales; Deloraine and Georges Bay, Tasmania; from September to January, amongst Juncus in swampy places, fourteen specimens.
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