Batara Sambu

In Javanese mythology, Batara Sambu is a deity[1] and the God of Teachers. He is the first-born son of Bathara Guru and his queen Bathari Uma. Sambu (or Sambo) in traditional Javanese wayang story is a god who rules clouds. He has two wives: Bathari Siwagnyana and Bathari Astuti and his kahyangan (heavenly abode) is called Kahyangan Swelagringging in the southern part of the heavens. His palace is made of copper and his pasaran is Paing. Sambu is the ancestor of raksasa (giants) in Javanese wayang story.


  1. Soemarsaid Moertono (2009). State and Statecraft in Old Java: A Study of the Later Mataram Period, 16th to 19th Century. Equinox Publishing. p. 70. ISBN 602-8397-43-1.

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