Basic Military Qualification

Basic Military Qualification(BMQ)[1] refers to both the basic training course, and the graduation qualification, received by non-commissioned recruits or reservists seeking entry to the Canadian Forces. The course is 14 weeks in length and conducted at Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School in Saint-Jean, Quebec for Regular Force recruits. For reservists the course is condensed to two months and conducted at any military installation with the necessary resources.

In the training regime of the Canadian Forces BMQ falls within Developmental Period 1 (DP1), which focuses on the skills and knowledge required for entry level employment and further training. In addition to BMQ, DP1 includes environmental and occupational qualifications, and second language training as required. After completing DP1, Non-Commissioned Members (NCMs) are deemed occupationally employable at an introductory level. Progression to DP 2 occurs when the recruit joins a unit and leaves the Basic Training List.

The Course

Basic training provides the knowledge that is common to all trades and fields of the Canadian Forces, and "develops a military state of mind and behaviour, the mental and physical endurance and the combat skills necessary for the profession of arms." [1] The training is considered physically, mentally and morally demanding and founded on the fundamental values of the Canadian Armed Forces: Duty, Loyalty, Integrity and Courage. BMQ is common to all non-commissioned recruits of the Canadian Army, Royal Canadian Air Force and the Royal Canadian Navy - regardless of trade.

The course teaches the core skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in a military environment. It put recruits through significant physical and mental strain, with the goal of instilling a sense of teamwork and cohesion, good working habits, physical and mental tenacity, confidence, military skills, and discipline. Apart from the physical demands, the adjustment to military discipline and lifestyle is often the most difficult aspect of recruit training and may be the most demanding experience for many recruits. There is a high emphasis placed on workplace safety, with instruction in the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System, fire safety, first aid, and principles that guide the use of workplace equipment and arms. The course also provides training in elements of fieldcraft, such as survival skills, map reading, target location and camouflage.

Training is usually conducted with a platoon of 60 candidates under a Warrant Officer. Courses are delivered by section commanders (ICs, a Sergeant or a Master Corporal). The course is often staffed by combat arms soldiers, but can be taught by NCOs of any trade or field.

After BMQ is complete, training within DP 1 continues in each candidate's environment (Navy, Air Force, Army) or occupation.

Daily schedule

The typical day in BMQ is as follows:

  • 5:00 Wake up
  • 5:10 Physical training
  • 6:30 Breakfast
  • 7:00 Inspection
  • 8:00 Instruction
  • 11:30 Lunch
  • 12:30 Instruction
  • 17:00 Dinner
  • 18:00 Maintenance of military kit and quarters
  • 23:00 Lights out


  1. 1.0 1.1 Department of National Defence. "Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School". Queen's Printer for Canada. Retrieved 26 July 2014.

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