Bartolf of Nangis

Bartolf of Nangis or Bartolfus peregrinus was a French historian who died shortly before 1109.[1]


His Gesta Francorum Iherusalem expugnatium chronicle of the First Crusade. It draws heavily on the anonymous Gesta Francorum but includes some original details, such as information on Bohemond's crusade to the Byzantine Empire, not attested in any other chronicles.[2]


  1. Hiram Kümper (2010). "Bartolf of Nangis". In Graeme Dunphy. Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle. Leiden: Brill. p. 145. ISBN 90 04 18464 3.
  2. Rowe, J. G. (1966). "Paschal II, Bohemund of Antioch and the Byzantine Empire". Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 45 (1): 165–202.