Baron Strabolgi

Baron Strabolgi is a title in the Peerage of England. It was called out of abeyance in 1916; whether it ever existed before then is open to serious dispute. Complete Peerage declines to list it, on the grounds that it did not exist before the twentieth century; their coverage ends with the death of Queen Victoria in January 1901.

The eighteenth-century gentlewoman Mrs. Mary Dixie was heiress to the traitor George Brooke (who was attainted and executed for his part in the Bye Plot against James I) and his wife Elizabeth, eldest sister of the last Baron Burgh; Brooke had been brother and heir to the last Baron Cobham of Kent, who had been attainted for his part in the Main Plot. She was thus heir to the Barony of Cobham (if the forfeiture were reversed), co-heiress to the Barony of Burgh, to the Barony of Braye, and could claim to be co-heiress to several more doubtful titles, such as the Barony of Cobham of Sterborough.

She had six daughters, three of whom had families. Their eldest sons were coheirs to all of Mrs. Dixie's noble claims; in 1909, the senior great-grandsons of her daughters petitioned to each have one title drawn out of abeyance for himself: the heir of the eldest daughter petitioned for the Barony of Burgh, the heir of the fourth daughter for the Barony of Cobham, and the heir of the youngest daughter for the Barony of Strabolgi.

Barons Strabolgi (1318)

The heir presumptive is the present holder's second cousin, David Patrick Francis Malcolm (b. 1942).
