Barak Sultan

Barak Sultan (Kazakh: Барақ Сұлтан; 1731–1750) was a member of khan dynasty of the Middle Juz. He is son of Tursun Khan and great grandfather of Alikhan Bukeikhanov. Barak Sultan was notable for having murdedred Abulkhair Khan. There are several versions as to why barak sultan murdered Abulkhair Khan. One states that he was instructed to do so by the Orenburg governor Ivan Neplyuyev in exchange for promises of protection. Another versions state that it was revenge for Abulkhair Khan's alleged robbery of a caravan laden with gifts from Barak Sultan to the ruler of the Khanate of Khiva during attacks by Abulkhair Khan against the Karakalpaks, who were under Barak Sultan' rule. In another version, an enemy of Abulkair Khan, Batyr Sultan, provoked Barak Sultan to murder Abulkhair. The act cost him his reputation in the Kazakh Steppe, and he had to seek the protection of the Dzhungar leader Galdan Tseren. Galdan was suspicious of Barak and believed that the request for protection was actually an excuse to bring Galdan into close proximity to Barak so that Barak could gain control over Dzhungaria. Galdan ordered Barak's son to be poisoned in the city of Kanak near Tashkent. The deaths of Abulkair and barak opened opportunities for Neplyuyev to expand Russian Empire's over the Kazakh Steppe.


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