Bannister v Bannister

Bannister v Bannister
Court Court of Appeal
Citation(s) [1948] 2 All ER 133
Constructive trust

Bannister v Bannister [1948] 2 All ER 133 is an English trusts law case, concerning constructive trusts.


Ms Bannister inherited two cottages when her husband died, including the one where she lived. She transferred them to her brother in law for under market value. They orally agreed she would remain rent free for life. Then he tried to kick her out.


Scott LJ, 136, held (1) the conveyance need not be obtained by fraud (2) the transfer need not use technical language of a trust (3) no weight was given to the fact that the conveyance was at an undervalue. The fraud consists in the denial of the trust. The proprietary right was given to Ms Bannister under constructive trust.

See also



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