Bangladeshi hip hop

Music of Bangladesh

Specific forms
Religious music
Ethnic music
Traditional music
Media and performance
Music awards
Music festivals
Music media




Nationalistic and patriotic songs
National anthem Amar Sonar Bangla
Other Chol Chol Chol
Amar Bhaier Rokte Rangano
Regional music
Related areas
Other regions

Bangladeshi hip hop is commonly a genre of music and culture that covers a variety of styles of hip hop music developed in Bangladesh. Bangladeshi hip hop is heavily influenced by US hip hop, and started in early 2000. In recent years, local Bangladeshi hip hop artists have begun to emerge in underground scenes in large cities such as Dhaka, Sylhet and Chittagong. The lyrical expression of cultural identity, with lyrics addressing Bangladesh's political and social problems, make hip hop a popular and growing genre. A very few artists also fuse with other genre to unite the music industry thus spread. But now a days Bangladeshi hip hop is more than just a genre. It also now includes break dancing, street stunts and graffiti writing. Numerus underground crews are spreading every day by their talented deeds. Thus Bangladeshi hip hop is now very popular to the new generation.



The pioneer of Bangladeshi hip hop was Ashraf Babu in 1992. But that time hip hop was very unpopular. He was the only bengali rap artist of the 1990s. His actual genre was pop rap. His greatest hit tracks were Tin Konkal and 31st Night. But his rap patterns were very different from the modern rap patterns.

Modern hip hop first took root in Bangladesh during the early 2000s with the introduction of American television and the distribution of hip hop music within CD shops. Online social networks such as Facebook and Myspace also played a heavy role in bringing various underground Bangladeshi rappers together in sharing their music. Early hip-hop was not led by corporate interests, but rather was largely ignored by major record companies. Now there are numerous rappers and hip-hop crews in Bangladesh as well outside the country.


  1. "Album review:Stoic Bliss Light - Years Ahead". The Daily Star. Retrieved December 21, 2013.
  2. "Of Genres and Generations". The Star. Retrieved December 21, 2013.
  3. "Intoxicating beats of hip hop". The Daily Star. Retrieved December 21, 2013.
  4. "Fusion brings total confusion". New Age. Retrieved December 21, 2013.