Banat of Severin

Banate of Severin
Banate of Szörény
Szörényi bánság
Banatul Severinului
banate of the Kingdom of Hungary

13th century–16th century

Banate of Severin, late 13th century
 - Established 13th century
 - Disestablished 16th century
Today part of Romania
Map of the Banate of Severin

The Banat of Severin also known as the Banate of Severin (Hungarian: Szörényi bánság / Szörénység / Bánság Olténia / Szörényvidék; Romanian: Banatul Severinului / Banatul de Severin; Latin: Banatus Zewrinensis; Serbian: Severinska banovina / Северинска бановина) was a political, military and administrative unit with a special role in the anti-Ottoman defensive system of the medieval Kingdom of Hungary. It was founded by Prince Béla in 1228.


The Banat of Severin included areas of eastern Banat and western Oltenia. It was led by a ban, and the capital was at Turnu Severin (Hungarian: Szörényvár). The Banate of Severin was disputed between Wallachia and the Kingdom of Hungary.

After the 1526 battle of Mohács, the Banate of Severin was divided. Eastern part (eastwards from Vârciorova) came under the jurisdiction of Wallachian princes and in the western part (westwards from Orsova, inclusive) was gradually formed the Banate of Lugos and Karánsebes.

List of the Gouvernators ("Bans") of Severin

  1. 1226–1232 Buzád
  2. 1233 Lucas
  3. 1243 Stephen
  4. 12471254 John
  5. 1255 Pósa Csák
  6. 12571261 Stephen
  7. 1262 Stephen
  8. 1263 Lawrence
  9. 1268 Ugrin
  10. 1268 Alexander
  11. 1269 Lawrence
  12. 1270 Ponit
  13. 12701271 Lawrence
  14. 12711272 Paul
  15. 1272 Lawrence
  16. 1272 Albert
  17. 1273 Paul
  18. 1273 Lawrence
  19. 1274 Paul
  20. 12741275 Ugrin
  21. 1275 Micu
  22. 1275 Paul
  23. 1275 Reinauld
  24. 12761279 Michael
  25. 12771278 Paul
  26. 1279 Laurențiu
  27. 12801283 Timotei
  28. 12841286 Mako
  29. 12871289 Rafael
  30. 12901293 Laurențiu
  31. 12941296 Solymosi Posa
  32. 12971299 Ladislaus Rátholti
  33. 12991308 Andrei Tárnok
  34. 13091314 vacant
  35. 13141318 Dominic Cernea
  36. 13191323 Ladislau Rátholti
  37. 13231329 Daniel Szécsi
  38. 1324 Paul
  39. 13301335 vacant
  40. 1341 Szécsi Denis
  41. 13421349 Losonci
  42. 13501355 Nicolae Szécsi
  43. 13551359 Lațcu Denis
  44. 13591387 vacant
  45. 1387 Ladislau
  46. 13871388 Ștefan
  47. 13881390 Ioan Kaplan
  48. 13901391 Nicolae Perényi
  49. 1392 Gerebenci Szemere
  50. 13921393 Ditrău Bebek
  51. 13931408 vacant
  52. 14081409 Pipo of Ozora
  53. 1409 vacant
  54. 1419 Sigismund Losonci
  55. 1428 Emeric Marcali
  56. 14301435 Nicolae Redwitz
  57. 14291435 vacant
  58. 1435 Ladislau Jakubek
  59. 14361439 Francisc Tallóczi
  60. 14391445 John Hunyadi
  61. 14451446 Blaziu
  62. 14471454 Miklós
  63. 1449 Vasile de Cerna (vice-ban)
  64. 14521454 Petru
  65. 1455-57 vacant
  66. 1458 Vlad şi Grigore Bethlen
  67. 14591460 vacant
  68. 1460 Ladislau Doczi
  69. 14621463 Nicolae
  70. 14641466 vacant
  71. 1466 Pongrácz János (Ioan Pongracz)
  72. 1467 vacant
  73. 1467 Ştefan şi Mihai de Mâtnic
  74. 14681471 vacant
  75. 14711478 Emeric Hédervári
  76. 1478 Ioan Dominic Bethlen
  77. 1478 vacant
  78. 1479 Ambrozie şi George Szenthelsebethi
  79. 1479 Bartolomeu Pathócsy
  80. 14801483 Francisc Haraszti
  81. 14831489 Francisc Haraszti şi Andrei Szokoly
  82. 1490 Emeric Ozora
  83. 1491 Pipo şi Andei Dánfy
  84. 14911492 Francisc Haraszti
  85. 14921494 George şi Filip Balassa de Ciula
  86. 14951502 Petru Măcicaş
  87. 1503 Barnaba Bela
  88. 1503 Ioan Gărlişte
  89. 15041508 Ioan şi Bela Gârlişte;
  90. 15081513 Mihai şi Barnaba
  91. 1514 Ioan
  92. 15151516 Nicolae
  93. 15171518 vacant
  94. 1519 Béla Barnabás
  95. 15201521 Nicolae Gârlişte
  96. 15221524 Ioan Kállay


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