
Balconet exterior
French balcony,
a.k.a. Balconet balcony / Juliet balcony
Balconet interior with 2 men's shoes

A balconet (or balconette) is an architectural term to describe a false balcony, or railing at the outer plane of a window-opening reaching to the floor, and having, when the window is open, the appearance of a balcony. They are common in France, Spain, and Italy.[1] They are often referred to as Juliet balconies[2] after the scene from Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet.

A prominent example of a balconette is on the Palazzo Labia in Venice.

Balconette brassieres

The term has also been applied to a style of brassiere featuring low-cut cups and wide set straps that give the appearance of a square neckline. The name "balconette" came from men in the balcony of a theatre looking down upon women. A balconette bra could not be seen from above.[3]


  1. "Balconet". Retrieved 23 March 2012.
  2. "Juliet balconies". Balconette. Retrieved 23 March 2012.
  3. "Bras glossary". Retrieved 23 March 2012.