Bail Act 2013

Bail Act 2013

Coat of Arms of New South Wales

Coat of Arms of New South Wales
Parliament of New South Wales
An Act to make provision for bail in connection with criminal and other proceedings.
Citation Bail Act 2013
Enacted by New South Wales Legislative Assembly
Enacted by New South Wales Legislative Council
Date commenced 20 May 2014
Administered by Department of Attorney General and Justice
Legislative history
Bill introduced in the New South Wales Legislative Assembly Bail Bill 2013
Introduced by Greg Smith, Attorney General
First reading 1 May 2013
Second reading 1 May 2013, 8 May 2013, 9 May 2013.
Third reading 9 May 2013
Introduced by Michael Gallacher, Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Vice-President of the Executive Council
First reading 21 May 2013
Second reading 21 May 2013, 22 May 2013
Third reading 22 May 2013
Bail Amendment Act 2014
Status: Current legislation

The Bail Act 2013 is a New South Wales law that commenced on 20 May 2014. It replaces the Bail Act 1978, which was considered "groundbreaking" when enacted, but has been reformed several times to presume against bail. The new act was created with the aims that it would be easier to understand, would further protect the community and would promote consistent decision-making. The Bail Act 2013 uses an "unacceptable risk" test in regard to whether "the accused will fail to appear in any proceedings for the offence, commit a serious offence, endanger the safety of victims, individuals or the community, or interfere with witnesses or evidence".

The Bail Act 2013 passed in the NSW parliament in May 2013. In response to a review, Bail Act reforms passed parliament in September 2014, and came into effect on 28 January 2015.

Review of previous law

On 9 June 2011, Premier Barry O'Farrell announced that the NSW Law Reform Commission would review the bail law.[1] In April 2012, the Commission reported that the previous law had become complex, making it difficult even for legal practitioners to understand and apply.[2] The Bail Act 1978[3] was considered "groundbreaking" when enacted[1] but has been reformed several times to presume against bail.[4] In its review of the bail law in New South Wales, the Law Reform Commission noted that over the 15 years prior, the population in remand had tripled due to "policy shifts". It recommended a new, simplified, bail law, to be written in "plain English". The "justification" decision-making process to detain or release was recommended over the "unacceptable risk" model used in the Victorian Bail Act.[2][5] The Commission stated that "it is more difficult to include explicit reference to the interests of the person within the unacceptable risk model" and that neither the Victorian bail act nor the Queensland bail act, which use risk-based models, make reference to the interests of the person. The Commission also stated that the "justification" model was familiar.[2] In November 2012, the Government decided to create a new Bail Act that was easier to understand, with aims to further protect the community and promote consistent decision-making.[6]

Changes proposed and features of the legislation

Premier Barry O'Farrell announced the "new, simpler Bail Act" in a press release in November 2012.[7] The Government did not adopt all of the recommendations made by Law Reform Commission.[8] Different interpretations of the bail laws caused a rift between the Attorney General and Minster for Justice, Greg Smith, and the Police Minister, Michael Gallacher. Australian Greens MLC David Shoebridge explained this as Smith wanting a "more rational" set of laws that removed complexity and unfairness, and Gallacher "fighting the reforms".[4]

The Government stated that, unlike the Bail Act 1978, the new act is not based on a "system of offence-based presumptions". A 2007 amendment to the old act limited the number of bail applications, which discouraged legal counsel from making early applications. The new act allows for a further application if: the accused previously did not have legal representation, there is new relevant information, relevant circumstances have changed, or the accused is under 18 and the previous application was made on a first appearance for the offence.[9][6] In May 2013, on the second reading of the Bail Bill, Attorney General and Minister for Justice Greg Smith described the Government's approach as one of "risk-management".[10] The Bail Act 2013 adds an "unacceptable risk" test in regard to whether "the accused will fail to appear in any proceedings for the offence, commit a serious offence, endanger the safety of victims, individuals or the community, or interfere with witnesses or evidence".[11] One significant change is in consideration of "the presumption of innocence and the general right to be at liberty." Another important change is that "once bail is granted, it will continue to operate until it is either revoked or the substantive proceedings concluded."[8] Under the Bail Act 2013, bail does not have to be formally continued by the court.[11] When the bail authority determines that the accused poses an "unacceptable risk", it must record the nature of the presumed risk and consider risk mitigation approaches.[8] To determine whether there is an "unacceptable risk", the bail authority can consider the person's background; the seriousness of the offence; the strength of the case; whether the person has a history of violence or non-compliance with bail requirements, apprehended violence orders, parole or good behaviour bonds; the likely length of the sentence if bail is not granted; and whether the person is of a disadvantaged group.[12][13] It was noted by a member of the NSW Bar Association that, while they were not "unusual or unfamiliar", not all of the factors the bail authority may consider are directly related to the "unacceptable risk" test.[14] Shoebridge noted that determination of who bore the burden of proof as to whether an accused person constitutes an unacceptable risk was not well covered in the law.[4] Christopher White, the Policy Manager, Justice Policy, Department of Attorney General and Justice, stated in his introduction to the Bail Act 2013 that if the prosecution asserted that an unacceptable risk was present, the onus was on the prosecution to prove it.[15]

Three kinds of bail applications were defined: a release application, a detention application and a variation application.[8]

The president of the NSW Bar Association was disappointed that there was not "a universal presumption in favour of bail". David Shoebridge was disappointed that adults would be limited to one bail application.[16]

The Bail Act 2013 passed in the NSW parliament in May 2013,[17] and the law commenced on 20 May 2014.[18][19][20]

Don Weatherburn of the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research has raised concerns that police are using future Court Attendance Notices instead of refusing bail as much as they were before. Weatherburn noted that during the period when the new law was first introduced, there were "fewer bail cases coming before the courts". At around the same time as the new Bail Act commenced, the NSW Police Force put into practice a new custody system. According to some police officers this has made the bail assessment paperwork take three times as long as the previous system.[21]

Hatzistergos Review and Bail Amendment Act 2014

After two sensationalised cases in 2013 where the accused were granted bail, the laws were pronounced "broken" by media commentators, and Premier Mike Baird announced a review of the new law,[22][23][24] only 'weeks' after the law was commenced.[21] A senior law expert at the University of Wollongong, Julia Quilter, stated that denying bail has become a way of condemning the alleged crime of the person, rather than an assurance that they will continue to attend court while the case continues.[25]

The review of the Bail Act 2013 by John Hatzistergos investigated whether the risk management approach adequately reduced the risk that the accused would endanger others' safety, commit a serious offence while on bail, interfere with witnesses in their case, or not attend court; whether the Act was balanced in looking after the safety of the community as well as the rights of the accused; and looking at bail decisions. The review found that the two-stage test as to whether a risk was 'unacceptable' but could be mitigated through bail conditions was confusing to the public, and recommended that the test be altered so that an 'unacceptable risk' was defined as a risk that would preclude granting bail. It recommended adding the following reasons to the 'unacceptable risk' test: the criminal connections of the accused, the views of the victim or the victim's family (for serious offences and where known), and the conduct of the accused toward the victim and his or her family after the event. The review noted that there was little guidance as to what constituted a serious offence.[26] Reforms to the Bail Act passed parliament in September 2014. The burden of proof was placed on people accused of "the most serious crimes" to show why they should be released on bail. The amendment incorporated all the recommendations of the review.[27][28] The amendments were described by Quilter, the president of the NSW Bar Association, and a member of the Law Society of NSW as premature and unnecessary,[29][30] and Quilter and David Brown of UNSW's Law Faculty later wrote that the amendments were likely to "create complexity and confusion" and "have unintended consequences".[31] David Brown, who consulted on the Law Reform Commission's review, suggested that there was a trend to devalue judicial expertise, not requiring evidence before reviewing, and a lack of faith in the ability of the judicial system to self-correct through the appeals process. Another trend Brown noted was the increasing influence of the "shock jocks" to determine public discourse.[32] The amendments came into effect on 28 January 2015.[33][34]

Lesley Townsley argues that instead of balancing the need for community protection with the rights of the individual, the amendments consider the community's safety as "paramount", and argues that the "show cause" clause introduced by the amendments effectively introduces a "justification" model for release, which Townsley states is "a punitive turn in bail policy which counteracts the weight given to the presumption of innocence and the general right to liberty".[35]

Bail Monitoring Group

After the Hatzistergos review in July 2014, a Bail Monitoring Group was formed with representatives from the Department of Justice, the Ministry of Police and Emergency Services, the NSW Police Force, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, NSW Legal Aid Commission, the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, and the Department of Premier and Cabinet. It meets monthly, and monitors bail reviews by the NSW Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.[36]

Further review

After the 2014 Sydney hostage crisis, there was a petition on for further tightening of the NSW bail laws.[33] However, one commentator stated that the laws "already undermine fundamental human rights" and that "changes made to those laws in the past two years might not have made any difference".[37] In the NSW Government's response to the joint Federal-State review of the Sydney hostage crisis, it states that in addition to the final stage of the Hatzistergos review in July 2015, the government will seek to amend the bail act further to "ensure that a bail authority must refuse bail where the authority is satisfied that an accused person is an identified terrorist risk".[38]

John Hatzistergos will table another review of the laws in July 2015.[39]

The Bail Act 2013 is to be reviewed by the responsible minister three years after the date when the Bail Act 1978 was repealed, rather than the customary five-year period for a review,[2][6] and within 12 months from the end of the three-year period a report of the review is to be tabled in each house of the parliament.[40]

Key cases

Supreme Court of New South Wales

Other jurisdictions

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 Nicholas Cowdery (March 2012). "Contemporary Comments: Criminal Justice in New South Wales under the new State Government". Current Issues in Criminal Justice 3 (23): 447–457.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Report 133 Law Reform Commission: Bail (2012) NSW Law Reform Commission.
  3. "Bail Act 1978 (NSW)". New South Wales government. Retrieved 28 December 2014.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Shoebridge, David (August 2014). "Law reform: Bail law reforms in NSW". Alternative Law Journal 39 (2): 132–133. ISSN 1037-969X. Retrieved 17 December 2014.
  5. "Bail Act 1977 (Vic)". AustLII. Retrieved 28 December 2014.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 NSW Govt response to LRC review, November 2012
  7. O'Farrell, Barry (28 November 2012) Press Release: New Bail Laws to put community safety first
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 Hatzistergos, John (June 2014). "Criminal law: The bail act 2013: What you need to know". LSJ: Law Society of NSW Journal, 1 (1): 80–81. ISSN 2203-8906. Retrieved 27 December 2014.
  9. Section 74(3); "child" is defined in section 4 as a person under 18.
  10. "The Bail Act 2013". Judicial Commission of New South Wales. Retrieved 17 December 2014.
  11. 11.0 11.1 "Bail act FAQ". Legal Aid New South Wales. Retrieved 16 December 2014.
  12. Johnson, Peter (June 2014). "Assessing the unacceptable risk test in the Bail Act 2013". Judicial Officers Bulletin 26 (5): 37–41. ISSN 1036-1294. Retrieved 27 December 2014.
  13. Weatherby-Fell, Caitlin (April 2014). "A complete overhaul of the bail system?: The incoming New South Wales bail act 2013 and aboriginal juvenile offenders". Indigenous Law Bulletin 8 (11): 24–29. ISSN 1328-5475. Retrieved 27 December 2014.
  14. Dobraszczyk, Caroline (2013). "The new Bail Act". Bar News: The Journal of the NSW Bar Association (Winter): 26–28. ISSN 0817-0002. Retrieved 27 December 2014.
  15. White, Christopher (February 2014). "An introduction to the Bail Act 2013". Judicial Officers Bulletin 26 (1): 1-4. ISSN 1036-1294.
  16. Anna Patty, Harriet Alexander (29 November 2012). "Bail overhaul revealed". The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 1 January 2015.
  17. Smith, Greg (22 May 2013) Press Release: Bail Act passes Parliament
  18. "Bail Act 2013 (NSW)". New South Wales government. Retrieved 28 December 2014.
  19. "Bail Act 1978 (NSW)". AustLII. Retrieved 28 December 2014.
  20. "Bail Act". Legal Aid New South Wales. Retrieved 16 December 2014.
  21. 21.0 21.1 Olding, Rachel (8 August 2014). "NSW police suspected of undermining bail laws". The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 27 January 2015.
  22. Maley, Jacqueline (5 July 2014). "NSW Bail Act: some freedoms more equal than others". The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 16 December 2014.
  23. Clennell, Andrew (28 June 2014). "Premier Mike Baird to toughen controversial bail laws that allowed two accused murderers to walk free". Daily Telegraph. Retrieved 16 December 2014.
  24. Dole, Nick (5 August 2014). "Bail laws toughened in NSW to hold defendants deemed 'unacceptable risk'". ABC News. Retrieved 16 December 2014.
  25. Quilter, Julia (3 July 2014). "Not for punishment: we need to understand bail, not review it". The Conversation. Retrieved 27 December 2014.
  26. Hatzistergos, John (July 2014) Report: Review of the Bail Act 2013
  27. Hazzard, Brad (17 September 2014) Press Release: Bail Act reforms pass Parliament
  28. "Bail Amendment Act 2014 (NSW)". New South Wales government. Retrieved 28 December 2014.
  29. Geiger, Dominic (4 July 2014). "Changes to Bail Act premature: UOW expert". Illawarra Mercury. Retrieved 16 December 2014.
  30. "Planned NSW bail changes 'threaten rights'". 5 August 2014. Retrieved 17 December 2014.
  31. Quilter, Julia and David Brown (October 2014). "Speaking Too Soon: The Sabotage of Bail Reform in New South Wales". International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy 3 (3). Retrieved 27 December 2014.
  32. David Brown (14 August 2014). "Is rational law reform still possible in a shock-jock tabloid world?". The Conversation.
  33. 33.0 33.1 Alex Heber. "A Change.Org Petition For Stronger Bail Laws In NSW Has Secured More Than 42,000 Signatures In One Day". Business Insider Australia. Retrieved 25 December 2014.
  34. "Bail Amendment Act 2014 No 52 - Historical notes". NSW Legislation. New South Wales government. Retrieved 29 January 2015.
  35. Townsley, Lesley. Returning to presumptions and the erosion of fundamental rights: The Bail Amendment Act 2014 (NSW) [online]. Alternative Law Journal, Vol. 40, No. 1, Mar 2015: 42-45. Availability: <;dn=035183180151213;res=IELHSS> ISSN: 1037-969X. [cited 01 Apr 15].
  36. (pp.42-43)
  37. Barns, Greg (18 December 2014). "Stricter bail laws would be an assault on our rights". ABC News. Retrieved 17 December 2014.
  39. (page 43)
  40. Section 101.
  41. 41.0 41.1 41.2 41.3 41.4 41.5 41.6 41.7 41.8 41.9 41.10 41.11 Key cases Legal Aid New South Wales
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 42.3 42.4 42.5 42.6 42.7 Rebekah Rodger Bail Act 2013 Decisions in the Supreme Court of NSW Legal Aid New South Wales

Further reading

External links