BOSS4GMES (Building Operational Sustainable Services for GMES) was a European Commission funded project aimed at developing sustainable Global Monitoring of Environment and Security (GMES) services. The project was co-ordinated by Infoterra (now Astrium Geo-Information Services) and featured the following partners:

Alcatel, Alenia Space, Arsenale Novissimo (France), Astrium SAS (France), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), CEH (UK), Collecte Localisation Satellites (France), Direction de la Defense et de la Securite Civiles (France), Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft und Raumfahrt e.V. Meteorological Institute (Germany), Danish Meteorological Institute (Denmark), Dipartimento della Protezione Civile (Italy), European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (EU), Eurimage European Union Satellite Centre (EU), GAF AG (Germany), GeoVille Informationssysteme und Dateverarbeitung GmbH (Austria), Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (Greece), Institut Francais de Rechereche pour L'exploitation de la Mer (France), Indra Espacio S.A. (Spain), Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (Italy), Infoterra GmbH (Germany), Infoterra France Infoterra Ltd (UK), Joint Research Centre (EU), Luiss Business School - Divisione di Luiss Guido Carli (Italy), Mercator Océan (France), Météo-France (France)Met Office (UK), Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (Norway), PRO DV Software AG (Germany), Université Louis Pasteur Strasbourg (France), Sveriges Meteorologiska och Hydrologiska Institut (Sweden), Spacebel S.A./N.V. SPOT Image (France), Squaris Consultants (Belgium), Telespazio SPA (Italy), University of the West of England (UK), Flemish Institute for Technological Research (Belgium).

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