BMC Biology

BMC Biology  
Abbreviated title (ISO 4)
BMC Biol.
Discipline Biology
Language English
Publication details
Publication history
License Creative Commons
ISSN 1741-7007

BMC Biology is an online open access scientific journal that publishes original, peer-reviewed research in all fields of biology, together with opinion and comment articles. The publication was established in 2003.[1] The journal is part of a series of BMC journals published by the UK-based publisher BioMed Central. It published 88 research articles in 2009.

Since 2010 it has incorporated what was previously the separate Journal of Biology.

BMC Biology is covered by the following:[2] PubMed, MEDLINE, BIOSIS Previews, Chemical Abstracts Service, EMBASE, Scopus, Zoological Record, CAB International, Institute for Scientific Information and Google Scholar.

External links


  1. "BMC Biology". DOAJ. IS4OA. Retrieved 22 April 2013.
  2. "BMC Biology". Life Sciences. Springer. Retrieved 22 April 2013.