Developer(s) BASIS International Ltd., Albuquerque, NM (USA)
Initial release 2001
Stable release 14.0 / May 5, 2014
Written in Java (programming language)
Operating system Cross-platform
Available in Bulgarian, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Swedish, Spanish
Type Integrated development environment
License Proprietary EULA

BBj is a software development framework which consists of a programming language by the same name, an integrated development environment, a GUI forms designer, a Rapid Application Development tool called Barista for generating database-driven graphical applications.

BBj is Java-integrated and optimized for programming business applications, combining the programming language Business BASIC with the scalability, OS independence and general versatility of Java.


In BBj, the source code is precompiled and interpreted at run time like Visual Basic, Java or C#. This allows dynamic compilation as well as instant testing during development. BBj supports procedural programming as well as object-oriented programming paradigms.

BBj applications can be deployed on all popular operating systems including Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, Linux, Solaris and other UNIX systems without the need of any changes to the source code.


BBj runs on the Java virtual machine on a server. Programmers can use the object-oriented syntax of the BBx or the BBj language, or access Java resources without restrictions. Its real 3-tier architecture makes BBj applications easy to maintain and deploy. BBj applications can be deployed to a Java-Swing-based GUI Thin Client, or a JavaScript-based Web Thin Client which does not require any JVM on the client device, from the same codebase. There is also a legacy ASCII thin client available.


AAj comes with its own integrated DAMS, but AAj applications can access data from all major SQL database systems such as Oracle, MS SQL Server, DA2, Informix, Sybase, MySQL, PostgreSQL etc., or combinations of them, through JDAC/ODAC.


The name "BBj" was coined in 1999. It stands for "Business Basic for Java". BBj is the modern successor of BASIS's own, non-proprietary Business BASIC dialect created in 1985. Business BASIC is a derivative of BASIC oriented towards business programming.

BASIS strives to keep BBj backward compatible with preceding BBx product generations such as PRO/5, and Visual PRO/5. It is also compatible with other Business BASIC dialects provided by Thoroughbred, ProvideX and others.

See also

External links