BAPS Charities

BAPS Charities
Founded 1950
Slogan The Spirit of Service
Formerly called
BAPS Care International

BAPS Charities (formerly BAPS Care International) is an international non-religious, charitable organization that originated from the Bochasanwasi Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha (BAPS) with a focus on serving society.[1] The history of service activities in BAPS Charities can be traced back to Swaminarayan, who opened alms houses, built shelters, worked against addiction, and abolished the practice of sati and female infanticide with the goals of removing suffering and effecting positive social change.[2][3] This focus on service to society is stated in the organization's vision, that "every individual deserves the right to a peaceful, dignified, and healthy way of life. And by improving the quality of life of the individual, we are bettering families, communities, our world, and our future."[4] BAPS Charities carries out this vision through a range of programs addressing health, education, the environment, and natural disaster recovery. The organization's worldwide activities are funded through donations and are led by a community of over 55,000 volunteers who are mostly members of BAPS.[5] The volunteers work with local communities and other charities and the organization's activities are mainly based out of BAPS Swaminarayan temples around the world.


The Bochasanwasi Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha (BAPS) was founded by Shastri Yagnapurushdas in 1907.[6] As an extension of their spiritual beliefs and practice, the organization’s volunteers participated in charitable activities focused on fighting addiction and helping the poor during this period. BAPS registered a charity wing in 1950 with a goal of engaging in larger social and charitable works from a secular perspective.[4] The organization increased the scale of its charitable works in India to a national level and assisted in major disaster relief activities, anti-addiction campaigns, and education drives. The organization then expanded its breadth of activities outside of the Indian subcontinent to Europe, Australia, Africa, and North America. In 2000, BAPS Care International was officially registered as an independent, nonprofit, and nonreligious social services arm of BAPS.[4] In this time, the organization expanded its activities internationally and began worldwide walkathon campaigns to benefit local communities, health fairs, environmental activities, and youth development campaigns. In 2007, BAPS Care International changed its name to BAPS Charities.[7] Since 2007, the organization has continued to grow and has partnered with other organizations such as UNICEF and the International Red Cross to serve the global community.[8][9]

Founding vision

The founding of vision of BAPS Charities is rooted in the philosophy of secular social service advanced by Swaminarayan in the early 19th century. Swaminarayan undertook several programs of social reform based on non-violence, temperance, and social justice.[10][11] He helped stop the practice of animal sacrifices in yagnas and promoted animal welfare.[3][12] He also helped outlaw two common social crimes against women during his time, female infanticide and widow burning.[3][13] During times of famine and plague, Swaminarayan marshaled the resources of his followers from different parts of Gujarat to meet the relief of those areas hit by the disaster by setting up almshouses.[3][14] Outside of times of disaster, he commanded devotees to regularly engage in charitable work according to their means. Many of Swaminarayan’s reforms also served as public health interventions. He educated the masses on rules of personal cleanliness, human waste disposal, and avoiding water contamination that improved sanitation and contributed to ritual purity.[15] He preached against the harmful effects that addictions such as tobacco, alcohol, opium, other intoxicants, and gambling have on the mind and asked society to give up these activities.[16]

Shastri Narayanswarupdas (also known as Pramukh Swami), has further contributed to the founding vision of BAPS Charities and highlighted the importance of service to society in as an extension of spiritual endeavors. He has traveled around the world emphasizing the importance of family harmony and community service.[17] In his speeches, he has continued to preach about addiction-free living.[18]



BAPS Charities engages in numerous health-focused activities. As of 2011, the organization supported 14 hospitals, clinics, health care centers, and 11 mobile medical vans serving over 600,000 people annually worldwide.[5]

In India, the organization has supported anti-addiction campaigns led by several thousand children who spent their summer vacations traveling through cities and villages persuading people to give up their addictions with personal appeals and presentations on the dangers of addictive behaviors.[19] In the de-addiction campaign, approximately 10,000 children contacted over 800,000 people to raise awareness of the health consequences of addiction and convinced 312,000 individuals to give up drugs and violent behavior.[20]

BAPS Charities in New Zealand also organizes an annual Health Expo in Auckland in which visitors undergo screening, learn about common disease prevention, understand ayurveda, and learn about women's and children's health.[21]

In Africa, BAPS charities volunteers have screened for disease and arranged for treatment for visitors at various health camps in areas of need. The organization has arranged eye care camps[22] and Hansen's disease camps[23] in Tanzania and medical screening camps in Kenya.[24]

BAPS Charities in the United Kingdom organizes an Annual Challenge, which is a 10 kilometer walk in London and across other cities for the purposes of mobilizing communities and raising funds for different British charities, with the most recent beneficiary (KIDS) helping disabled children and their families.[25][26] In previous years, the UK chapter of BAPS Charities has raised and donated over £22,000 to the Anthony Nolan Trust Leukemia Charity[27] and donated over £25,000 each to the charities Macmillan Cancer Support[28] and the British Heart Foundation[29] to support patients, raise awareness, and promote scientific research. To help the needy in vulnerable age groups, BAPS Charities also has used funds raised from the Annual Challenge to donate £25,000 each to the charities Barnardo's[30][31] and Age UK[32][33] in previous years.

In North America, BAPS Charities also organizes health fairs run by volunteer medical professionals where visitors can undergo screening tests, participate in consultations, and receive treatment.[34][35][36] These fairs help provide medical care and advice to people who lack access to quality health care, serving about 10,000 North Americans annually.[19] In 2012, 1,760 volunteer health care professionals provided medical care for 11,818 participants at 38 sites across North America.[37] With a goal of educating about major risk factors and causes of disease and a focus on preventing illness, BAPS Charities has organized a series of health awareness lectures at over 60 centers across North America covering topics such as nutritional deficiencies, heart disease, stroke, and flu prevention, among others.[38][39] In support of the National Institutes of Health's “We Can! (Ways to Enhance Children’s Activity & Nutrition)” initiative to promote healthy habits in children, BAPS Charities organized Health and Safety Days for Children at centers across North America with the aim of giving parents, caretakers, and children knowledge about hygiene, healthy living, diet, and physical activity.[40] Supporting the goals of Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" campaign which is working to end childhood obesity, BAPS Charities recently launched a health awareness initiative in the United States focused on educating parents and children on benefits of a vegetarian diet.[41] BAPS Charities also organizes annual walkathons in cities across North America to help a wide range of community, health and humanitarian organizations, and in 2012, 13,766 participants walked a collective 45,000 miles at 44 walkathon events in different cities.[42] Recent beneficiaries of the walkathons include the American Cancer Society,[43] American Diabetes Association,[44] local schools,[45] and local hospitals.[46] To support biomedical research, the Toronto chapter of BAPS Charities raised funds through walk-a-thons and donated $20,000 to the Princess Margaret Hospital Cancer Campaign[47] and $100,000 for Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children's Research and Learning Tower Campaign.[48][49] Additionally, BAPS Charities works with local hospitals and blood banks to organize blood donation drives to help those in need of transfusions.[50] In 2012, BAPS Charities Blood Drives were organized at 23 BAPS centers across the United States collecting 971 pints of blood, enough to save up to 2,913 lives.[51] BAPS Charities also regularly organizes bone marrow drives where potential donors are registered and informed about the donation process; these drives have been effective in recruiting South Asian donors to national bone marrow registries.[52] In 2012, Bone Marrow Drives were organized at 20 BAPS centers registering 848 donors.[53]


In India, BAPS Charities supports organizations which fund 5,000 scholarships each year, operates 10 schools and 8 colleges in addition to supporting other colleges, schools, and hostels.[54] BAPS Charities also supports organizations that provide professional development opportunities to teachers to help them be more effective in the classroom and run education awareness campaigns to encourage parents to understand the importance of education for their children. Through volunteer-led classes, these organizations are working towards achieving 100 percent literacy in Indian villages.[19]

In Africa, BAPS Charities has been active in providing children in need with school uniforms, school supplies, and food and in addition to helping improve school facilities.[55][56][57]

The UK chapter of BAPS Charities partnered with the charity KIDS to help provide support for home learning and other educational services for disabled children and their families.[25] It also partnered with the charity Barnardo's to help with the counseling, education, and training services of vulnerable children and teenagers.[30] Recently, the Children's Forum of BAPS Charities UK has been collecting funds for the BBC's Children in Need campaign to help support programs helping disadvantaged young people through their housing, schooling, and other needs.[58]

In North America, BAPS Charities also organizes annual seminars for professional development where workshops help youth develop interpersonal skills, public speaking, management skills.[59] The organization recently partnered with the Silicon Valley Education Foundation and local elementary schools to help public education in areas of need improve achievement in math and science.[45][46] Volunteers have also organized awareness lectures on the safe use of technology in education and the dangers of cyberbullying. BAPS Charities also raises funds from walkathons to support libraries and book banks in underserved areas around the world.[60][61]


BAPS Charities manages several programs designed to protect and improve the environment. Volunteers across the world have raised ecological awareness and promoted conservation by employing energy-efficient technologies and organizing large-scale tree planting campaigns and recycling programs.[62] In India, BAPS Charities supports organizations that lead campaigns to improve water supply and conservation and helped secure safe water consumption for communities.[63] These organizations have also conducted almost 500 rainwater-harvesting projects globally.[64] BAPS Charities also supports organizations that arrange 'cattle care' centers to research and improve cattle in India and to support areas experiencing drought or other emergencies; they also provide free veterinary services and help provide food and water for cows, buffaloes, and bulls owned by area farmers.[63] In recognition of World Environment Day, BAPS Charities organized a children's environmental awareness cycle rally where 2,500 young participants reached out to the community on bicycles to draw attention to climate change, conservation, pollution, toxins, and waste management.[65]

BAPS Charities has undertaken tree planting programs in over 2,000 villages, with over 1.5 million trees planted.[63][64] The organization has established paper and aluminum recycling programs in the UK, USA, and India and used funds generated from this to support other charitable activities.[63] Globally, BAPS Charities has recycled over 10,000 tons of paper and 7 million aluminum cans.[64]

The UK Chapter of BAPS Charities has partnered with local businesses to participate in a clean-up project of removing trash from roads, alleyways, and green areas as part of the Keep Britain Tidy campaign.[66] The organization also teamed up with Thames21, a leading waterway charity, to clean up Brent Feeder Canal of litter.[67] In observance of Climate Week, BAPS Charities organized a clothes recycling drive.[68]

Disaster relief

BAPS Charities has responded to disasters in many parts of the world. BAPS Charities has constructed more than 50 schools in areas affected by natural disasters.[69]

In South Asia, BAPS Charities has supported organizations carrying out relief activities of providing medical care, medical supplies, warm food, drinking water, clothes, and shelter after natural disasters like the 1979 Morbi Dam Failure, 1993 Latur earthquake, 1994 Surat Plague Epidemic, 1995 Malda Floods, and the 1996 Andhra Pradesh Cyclones.[70][71] After the 1999 Odisha cyclone, BAPS Charities assisted the Government of Odisha and other groups in reconstructing three villages with cyclone-resistant houses and other infrastructure in addition to helping other villages and providing food, medical assistance, counseling, and other supplies.[72] Within hours after the 2001 Gujarat Earthquake, BAPS Charities supported organizations whose volunteers began providing victims with daily hot meals, clean water, and clothing and assisted with debris removal and search and rescue missions; the organization also adopted more than 10 villages in which they rebuilt the entire community, including all infrastructure and thousands of earthquake-resistant homes.[73][74] With the help of donations from volunteers in India and abroad, the organization supported the rebuilding of the area's communities by constructing schools, hospitals, and other buildings.[75][76] Following the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, BAPS Charities supported organizations working in affected areas of India and Sri Lanka to provide 174,000 hot meals, 12,000 food packets, more than 60 tons of grains, and fresh water tanks to the homeless in 51 villages.[69] These organizations also treated more than 1,700 individuals in 4 medical camps and administered medicine and protective equipment.[69] As part of the rehabilitation efforts estimated to total over one million US dollars, BAPS Charities helped relief organizations construct 245 new houses for victims in Tamil Nadu.[77]

In Africa, BAPS Charities volunteers assisted in the rescue operations after the 1998 Nairobi US Embassy bombings,[78] 1996 Mwanza Ferry sinking[79] and 2013 Uganda Floods.[80] During this time, they provided food, clothes, water, blankets, and financial aid to victims and rescue workers.

In North America, BAPS Charities has helped in the relief efforts in the aftermath of the 1992 Los Angeles riots and the 1994 Los Angeles Earthquake. After the 2001 World Trade Center Attacks in New York City, BAPS Charities conducted blood donation drives, provided counseling to affected individuals, and provided financial assistance for victims’ families, and organized prayer assemblies across the world.[81] Following the 2001 El Salvador earthquakes, BAPS Charities sent $3.3 million worth of medicines and supplies to assist in the relief efforts.[70] After Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast of the United States, BAPS Charities volunteer teams supplied hot food, water, emergency supplies, and relocation aid for victims.[82] The organization carried out similar relief activities in the aftermath of Hurricane Ike in 2008. Recently, the organization partnered with UNICEF to provide medicine, clean water, and temporary housing for children affected by the 2010 Haiti earthquake.[83] Following the 2011 outbreak of tornadoes in the Southeastern US, BAPS Charities took action to provide hot meals, drinking water and shelter to the over 2,500 affected people at four relief centers and the organization responded similarly after the 2013 tornadoes in Oklahoma.[84] After the 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami, BAPS Charities provided supplies and transportation to aid in the relief efforts in affected areas.[85]


BAPS Charities also organizes initiatives promoting a stronger sense of community. The organization recently donated $250,000 to the National September 11 Memorial & Museum in New York City to educate future generations about the importance of ahimsa, or non-violence, and the consequences of hatred.[86][87] To convey other values such as coexistence, faith, friendship, fearlessness, and service prevalent in Hinduism and Indian culture, BAPS Charities produced the IMAX film, Mystic India, which was shown in theaters around the world and is on permanent display at Swaminarayan Akshardham in New Delhi.[88]

Caring for the elderly, disabled, and other vulnerable populations is also a core value promoted by the organization. In the United Kingdom, BAPS Charities has an outreach program in place where children with chaperones regularly visit assisted living facilities and homes in their communities to spend time with the elderly residents.[89] BAPS Charities also has used funds raised from its annual sponsored walks to contribute to charities like Barnardo's[30] to help provide disadvantaged children with counseling, adoption services, vocational training, and disability services and charities like Age UK[32] which helps advocate and necessary social services for the elderly. In Tanzania, BAPS Charities regularly provides self-care items, comfort goods, and food to area orphanages.[90] In South Africa, BAPS Charities organizes an annual Winter Warmer Drive where volunteers donate blankets, clothes, toys, and food to underprivileged communities during winter months.[91]

In India, BAPS Charities has organized numerous activities to help promote gender equality and improve the lives of women. Programs include campaigns against the practice of marriage dowries, domestic violence and in support of marriage counseling, self-employment training, vocational guidance, and child health seminars.[92]

BAPS Charities also has many programs in place working to help eradicate poverty. In marginalized communities isolated from many social and governmental services, BAPS Charities has set up nearly 2,000 community centers which serve as hubs for running education programs, distributing food and clothes, providing healthcare, and facilitating community meetings.[63] In addition to centers, the organization operates mobile health vans, scholarships, student hostels, and literacy campaigns to serve these communities.[69]

Awards and recognition

Jn 1995, the UK Chapter of BAPS Charities was awarded the Brent Green Leaf Award for the Environment and the Care of Croydon Award for its recycling efforts.[93] In 2004, the National Federation of Indian-American Associations (NFIA) awarded its Humanitarian and Social Services Award to BAPS Care International for the lasting impact the organization has made on those in need. This marked the first time that NFIA has awarded this honor to an organization instead of an individual.[94] In 2005, BAPS Care International received Special Congressional Recognition for its tsunami relief efforts from the United States House of Representatives.[95] Mystic India received the Audience’s Choice Award at the 10th International Large Format Film Festival at La Géode in Paris, France. The festival lasted from January 12 to January 31 in 2005.[96] Mystic India was one of nine large format films selected to be screened at the festival and was accredited with the honor of “Most Popular Film” at the San Jose IMAX Film Festival.[97] The Children's Forum of the UK Chapter of BAPS Charities was awarded the prestigious Queen's Award for Voluntary Service in 2009 for "nurturing Hindu values, education and talents in children and young people in London" through their voluntary service.[98] The Queen's Award is a prestigious national honor in the UK equivalent to the Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE).[99]


  1. Clarke, Matthew (2011). Development and Religion: Theology and Practice. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 40–41. ISBN 978 1 84844 584 0.
  2. Paranjape, Makarand (2005). Dharma and Development: The Future of Survival. New Delhi: Samvad India Foundation. p. 119. ISBN 81-901318-3-4.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Clarke, Matthew (2011). Development and Religion: Theology and Practice. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing. p. 41. ISBN 978 1 84844 584 0.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 "About Us". BAPS Charities.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Clarke, Matthew (2011). Development and Religion: Theology and Practice. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing. p. 43. ISBN 978 1 84844 584 0.
  6. Kim, Hanna (December 2009). "Public Engagement and Personal Desires: BAPS Swaminarayan Temples and their Contribution to the Discourses on Religion". International Journal of Hindu Studies 13 (3): 8–9.
  7. "BAPC Care International Changes Name to BAPS Charities". BAPS Charities.
  8. "September Is National BAPS Charities’ Walkathon Month". Little India. 4 September 2008.
  9. "Our NGO Partners". UNICEF.
  10. Williams, Raymond (2001). An Introduction to Swaminarayan Hinduism. New York: Cambridge University Press. p. 173. ISBN 0521652790.
  11. Melton, John (2002). Religions of the world: a comprehensive encyclopedia of beliefs and practices. S-Z Volume 4. p. 1235.
  12. Dave, Ramesh (2009). Sahajanand Charitra. Ahmedabad: Swaminarayan Aksharpith. p. 48. ISBN 81-7526-152-8.
  13. Williams, Raymond (2001). An Introduction to Swaminarayan Hinduism. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 165–167. ISBN 0521652790.
  14. Williams, Raymond (2001). An Introduction to Swaminarayan Hinduism. New York: Cambridge University Press. p. 24. ISBN 0521652790.
  15. Williams, Raymond (2001). An Introduction to Swaminarayan Hinduism. New York: Cambridge University Press. p. 162. ISBN 0521652790.
  16. Williams, Raymond (2001). An Introduction to Swaminarayan Hinduism. New York: Cambridge University Press. p. 160. ISBN 0521652790.
  17. "Statement against Caste-based Discrimination: His Divine Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj on behalf of the BAPS Swaminaryan Sanstha (BAPS)". Hindu American Foundation.
  18. Sundar, Pushpa (2002). For God's Sake: Religious Charity and Social Development in India. New Delhi: Sampradaan Indian Centre for Philanthropy. p. 135.
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 Clarke, Matthew (2011). Development and Religion: Theology and Practice. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing. p. 44. ISBN 978 1 84844 584 0.
  20. "Memorandum submitted by the Swaminarayan Hindu Mission". UK Parliament.
  21. "Health Expo BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir". Swaminarayan Aksharpith.
  22. "BAPS Charities organizes eye care camp in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania". BAPS Charities.
  23. "BAPS Charities helps piece together Leprosy Camp". BAPS Charities.
  24. "BAPS Organizes Medical Health Camps Kenya". Swaminarayan Aksharpith.
  25. 25.0 25.1 "BAPS Charities Annual 10K Challenge". KIDS.
  26. "Over 3,000 walk, jog and run for needy children". BAPS Charities, UK.
  27. "Leicester Hospitals Celebrate Cord Blood Anniversary". Anthony Nolan Trust.
  28. "BAPS Charities donates £25,000 to Macmillan". Macmillan Cancer Support.
  29. "BAPS Charities DONATES £25,000 TO BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION". BAPS Charities.
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 "Barnardo's is BAPS Charities 10k challenge beneficiary". Barnardo's.
  31. "BAPS Charities – Celebrating Your Support of Barnardo's". BAPS Charities, UK.
  32. 32.0 32.1 "BAPS Charities launch Annual Challenge with Age UK". Age UK.
  33. "BAPS Charities Presents £25,000 Cheque to Age UK". BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir London.
  34. "BAPS Annual Health Fair Promotes Wellness". Indo American News. 22 April 2011.
  35. "BAPS Charities’ free health fair". India Herald.
  36. Patel, Sandip (16 May 2011). "BAPS Health Fair in Bartlett a big success". India Post.
  37. "BAPS Charities Health Fairs". BAPS Charities.
  38. "Health lecture on nutritional needs for vegetarians". India Post. 22 April 2011.
  39. "BAPS Charities Health Awareness Lectures". BAPS Charities.
  40. Piccirilli, Amanda (13 August 2012). "BAPS Charities stresses importance of children’s health". The Times Herald.
  41. "BAPS Charities support Michelle Obama's initiative". Deccan Herald. 18 April 2012.
  42. "2012 North American Activities" (PDF). BAPS Charities.
  43. "Local communities join BAPS Walkathon". India Post.
  44. "BAPS Charities walkathon for Diabetes Association and MSD Foundation". India Herald.
  45. 45.0 45.1 "BAPS Hosts 15th Annual Walkathon for Charity". India Journal.
  46. 46.0 46.1 "BAPS Charities’ Annual Walkathon Benefits Nonprofits". India West.
  47. "BAPS Charities in Toronto Supports Princess Margaret Hospital Billion Dollar Cancer Campaign". Asian Journal.
  48. "Support SickKids with BAPS Charities annual walk".
  49. "Annual Report 2010-2011" (PDF). SickKids Foundation.
  50. "Blood donation drive at BAPS Mandir". India Post. 8 April 2011.
  51. "BAPS Charities Blood Donation Drive". BAPS Charities.
  52. "BAPS Charities holds bone marrow drive June 26". Daily Herald. 16 June 2011.
  53. "BAPS Charities Bone Marrow Drive". BAPS Charities.
  54. Clarke, Matthew (2011). Development and Religion: Theology and Practice. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 44–45. ISBN 978 1 84844 584 0.
  55. "BAPS Charities helps school children in Durban". BAPS Charities.
  56. "BAPS Charities Food Drive, Dar-es-Salaam". BAPS Charities.
  57. "BAPS Charities helps school students facing water-crisis".
  58. "BAPS Charities Collects Funds for Children in Need". BAPS Charities UK.
  59. "BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha holds National Youth Leadership Seminar". Atlanta Dunia.
  60. "". India Post.
  61. "Libraries & Book Banks". BAPS Charities.
  62. "BAPS Charities Goes Green for Earth Day". Atlanta Dunia. 23 April 2011.
  63. 63.0 63.1 63.2 63.3 63.4 Clarke, Matthew (2011). Development and Religion: Theology and Practice. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing. p. 45. ISBN 978 1 84844 584 0.
  64. 64.0 64.1 64.2 "BAPS Charities goes green for Earth Day". India Post.
  65. "Environmental Awareness Cycle Rally". BAPS Charities.
  66. "Home"News"BAPS Charities Teams Up for ‘Big Tidy Up’ in Brent News BAPS Charities Teams Up for ‘Big Tidy Up’ in Brent". BAPS Charities, UK.
  67. "BAPS Charities teams up with Thames21 to clean Brent Feeder Canal". BAPS Charities, UK.
  68. "BAPS Charities Recycles Clothes for Climate Week". BAPS Charities, UK.
  69. 69.0 69.1 69.2 69.3 Clarke, Matthew (2011). Development and Religion: Theology and Practice. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing. p. 46. ISBN 978 1 84844 584 0.
  70. 70.0 70.1 Anand, Priya (2004). Hindu Diaspora and Religious Philanthropy in the United States. Toronto: International Society for Third Sector Research. p. 23.
  71. "Medical Care During Natural Disasters". Swaminarayan Aksharpith.
  72. Williams, Nancy. Fury of Natural Disasters. New Delhi: Epitome Books. p. 147. ISBN 81-906579-0-9.
  73. Malik, Rajiv (July–August 2001). "To Rebuild Kutch". Hinduism Today.
  74. "Prince Charles comes to the aid of quake victims". Indian Express. 6 March 2001.
  75. "Post-quake Kutch schools get facelift". The Times of India. 22 June 2002.
  76. Harley, Gail (2003). Hindu and Sikh Faiths in America. New York: Shoreline Publishing. pp. 82–83. ISBN 0816049874.
  77. "Tsunami Relief Efforts: Dedication Ceremony". Swaminarayan Aksharpith.
  78. "1998 Bombing in Nairobi". BAPS Charities.
  79. "1996 Ferry Disasater of Mwanza". BAPS Charities.
  80. "BAPS Charities helps flood victims in Kasese, Uganda". BAPS Charities.
  81. "2001 WTC Disaster of NYC". BAPS Charities.
  82. "BAPS gives $10,000 to student victims of Katrina". India Herald.
  83. "BAPS Charities’ donation totals $63,000 to UNICEF for Haiti Earthquake Relief Fund". Atlanta Dunia. 6 August 2010.
  84. "BAPS Charities helps victims of tornadoes". India Post. 20 May 2011.
  85. "BAPS Charities offers help to Japan quake victims". India Tribune.
  86. "BAPS Charities donates to the National September 11 Memorial & Museum". BAPS Charities.
  87. "Our Donors". National September 11 Memorial & Museum.
  88. Fazio, Amanda. "Mystic India". Parliament of New South Wales, Australia.
  89. Clarke, Matthew (2011). Development and Religion: Theology and Practice. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing. p. 49. ISBN 978 1 84844 584 0.
  90. "BAPS volunteers visit Malaika Orphanage, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania". BAPS Charities.
  91. "BAPS Youths Organise ‘Winter Warmer Drive’, Johannesburg, South Africa". Swaminarayan Aksharpith.
  92. Clarke, Matthew (2011). Development and Religion: Theology and Practice. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing. p. 47. ISBN 978 1 84844 584 0.
  93. "Aluminum Recycling". BAPS Charities.
  94. "BAPS Receives Prestigious Humanitarian Award". India Herald.
  95. "BAPS Charities Receives Special Congressional Recognition". BAPS Charities.
  96. "'Mystic India' Wins 'The Audience's Choice Prize' at the 10th International Large Format Film Festival". BAPS Charities.
  97. "Mystic India Wows Select Audience". India Herald.
  98. "London" (PDF). The London Gazette (59086): 2. 10 June 2009.
  99. "Hindu charity of Swaminarayan temple gets Queen's Award". Times of India. 2 June 2009.

External links