B. L. Deekshatulu

B. L. Deekshatulu

Prof. Deekshatulu in 2013
Born 31 October 1936
Residence India
Citizenship  India
Fields Digital Image Processing and Control Theory
Institutions ISRO
Indian Institute of Science
National Institute of Technology, Warangal
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Centre
Alma mater Banaras Hindu University
Indian Institute of Science
Doctoral advisor H. N. Ramachandra Rao
Doctoral students N. Viswanadham
Notable awards Padma Shri

Bulusu Lakshmana Deekshatulu (Telugu: బులుసు లక్ష్మణ దీక్షతులు; born 31 October 1936 in India) is an Indian Academic, and an eminent research pioneered in Digital Image Processing, Control Theory. He is a living legend of Indian Science.[1] He is a Fellow of The World Academy of Sciences. He is an elected Fellow of Indian National Science Academy, The National Academy of Sciences, India, Indian Academy of Sciences, Indian National Academy of Engineering,National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and IEEE. He was a recipient of Padma Shri conferred by the Government of India. He worked at Indian Institute of Science as a Professor, National Remote Sensing Centre of Indian Space Research Organisation as Director & Distinguished Sciencist, Director,Centre for Space Science Technology Education in Asia & the Pacific—Affiliated to UN-Dehradun as a Founding Director. He was Chairman Board Governing Council of National Institute of Technology, Warangal. He is currently the Chairman of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, College of Engineering, Hyderabad. He is also Distinguished Fellow at Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology, Hyderabad.



His eminence is obvious from his remarkable contributions in the fields of Digital Image Processing, Remote Sensing, Control Systems, artificial intelligence, computer science, computer vision, machine learning, game theory, power systems, pattern recognition, neural networks. He designed and fabricated for the first time in India, Grey Scale and color drum scanners for computer picture processing that has won him NRDC Award.

Deekshatulu receiving the CHEN Shupeng Award in Taipei, Taiwan, during 32nd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing on October 3 in 2011


Deekshatulu served as

Awards, Honors, and Fellowships

Selected Recent Publications

1. Pradeep Ganghishetti, V Ravi, Kaushik Nandan, B.L.Deekshatulu, et al., Fraud Detection in Financial Statements using Evolutionary Computation based Rule miners 5th Intl. Conf. on Swarm Evolutionary and Memetic Computing, Bhubaneswar, Dec 18-20, 2014

2. Munaga V N K Prasad, P Swathi, C R Rao and B. L. Deekshatulu, Minimum spanning tree (MST) based techniques for generation of cancelable fingerprint templates, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence ,Vol.28, No.6, 2014

3. D.Sujatha, B.L.Deekshatulu CCA-VW-FIM: Concept change aware variable window based frequent itemsets mining over data streams, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 6, June-2014 ISSN 2229-5518

4. M A. Jabbar, B.L.Deekshatulu , Priti Chandra, Classification of heart disease using k nearest neighbor and genetic algorithm, Elsevier Available in science direct, Pp 85-94, vol 10,September 2013

5. Sujatha Dandu, B.L.Deekshatulu & Priti Chandra, Improved Algorithm for Frequent Item sets Mining Based on Apriori and FP-Tree, Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology Software & Data Engineering Volume 13 Issue 2 Version 1.0 Year 2013

6. M A. Jabbar, B.L.Deekshatulu , Priti Chandra, Classification of heart disease using nearest neighbor classifier with feature subset selection, Annals computer science series Romania(un paid journal), volume no XI, pp 47-54,2013

7. M A. Jabbar, B.L.Deekshatulu , Priti Chandra, Classification of heart disease using artificial neural network and feature subset selection, GJCST, Volume 13Issue 3,Ver 1.0,pp 15-25,2013

8. M A. Jabbar, B.L.Deekshatulu, Priti Chandra, Heart disease prediction using Lazy associative classification, IEEE March 2013, doi dx.doi.org/10.1109/iMac4s.2013.6526381, pp 40-46,2013

9. Sujatha Dandu, B.L.Deekshatulu & Priti Chandra, Discover Sequential Transitional Patterns From Transactional Databases, Annals Computer Science Series Romania (un paid journal), volume no XI

10. M A. Jabbar, B.L.Deekshatulu , Priti Chandra, Prediction of Risk Score for Heart Disease using Associative Classification and Hybrid Feature Subset Selection, ISDA 2012, IEEE, pp 628-634,doi : 10.1109/ISDA.2012.6416610,2012

11. Sujatha Dandu, B.L.Deekshatulu & Priti Chandra, Transition in Time Series Data Mining on Correlated Items, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 49– No.12, July 2012

12. S.Suryanarayana, B.L.Deekshatulu,K.Lal Kishore, Y. Rakesh Kumar, Automatic detection of noise type and class using multiple image metrics, Int. Jou. Of Electronics and Communication Engg. and Technology (IJECET), ISSN 0946-6464, Vol 3 Issue 2, July-Sep 2012, pp. 461-473.

13. S. Suryanarayana, B.L.Deekshatulu, K.Lal Kishore, Y. Rakesh Kumar Novel Impulse detection technique for image denoising, Jour. Theoretical and Applied information technology, ISSN. 1992-8645, pp.2005-2009, JATIT.

14. S. Suryanarayana, B.L.Deekshatulu, K.Lal Kishore, Y. Rakesh Kumar Estimation and Removal of Gaussian Noise in Digital Images, Int’l Jou. Of Electronics and Communication Engg. ISSN.0974-2166, Vol.5, No.1, 2012, pp.23-33.

15. S. Suryanarayana, B.L.Deekshatulu, K.Lal Kishore, Y. Rakesh Kumar Design and Implementation of novel regression filter for speckle noise removal, Int’l Jou. Multi-disciplinary research and advances in Engineering (IJMRAE), ISSN: 0975-7074, Vol.4, No. IV, Oct.2012 pp. 303-324

16. D.Sujatha, Priti Chandra, B.L.Deekshatulu Transition in Time Series Data Mining on Correlated Item, Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining, 2012

17. M A Jabbar, Priti Chandra, B.L.Deekshatulu, Knowledge Discovery using associative classification for heart disease prediction, Advances in Intelligence and Soft Computing-Springer verlag(book chapter), VOL 182,PP 29-39,2012

18. M A Jabbar, Priti Chandra, B.L.Deekshatulu, Graph based approach for heart disease prediction, LNEE, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg,VOL 150,pp 361-369,2012

19. M A Jabbar, Priti Chandra, B.L.Deekshatulu, An evolutionary algorithm for heart disease prediction CCIS, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, vol 292, pp. 378–389,2012

20. M A Jabbar, Priti Chandra, B.L.Deekshatulu, Knowledge discovery from mining association rules for heart disease prediction, JATIT (JOURNAL OF APPLIED AND THEROTICAL AND INFORMATIONAL TECHNOLOGY) Impact Factor 1.72 ,vol 41,pp 45-53,2012

21. M A Jabbar, Priti Chandra, B.L.Deekshatulu, Data partition and bit vector approach for weighted frequent item set mining, IJCTE, Vol 4 No 6,pp 980-982,2012

22. M A Jabbar, Priti Chandra, B.L.Deekshatulu, Cluster based association rule mining for Heart Attack Prediction, JATIT, 31st October 2011 Vol 32 no 2 ISSN 1992-8645

23. P.Suhasini, C.R. Rao, Chakravarthy Bhagvathi, B.L.Deekshatulu, Content Free Image Retrieval Using Balanced Incomplete Block Design And Apriori. Proceedings of the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Soft Computing 2nd-3rd February, 2011, ISBN 93-80697-56-2

24. P Pavan Kumar, Chakravarthi Bhagvati, Atul Negi, Arun Agarwal, Towards improving the accuracy of Telugu OCR systems ICDAR 2011, pp.910-914

25. P. Pawan Kumar, Atul Negi, B.L.Deekshatulu, Chakravarthy Bhagavati, Arun Agarwal, A Novel Stroke Width Based Binarization Method to Handle Closely Spaced Thick Characters, IJCA ,no.23,article 7, 2010, pp.540-47

26. M.Wajahat, C.R.Rao, B.Chakravarthi, B.L.Deekshatulu, EM train ++:EM based incremental training algorithm for high accuracy printed character recognition system Intl. Journ. of Computational Intelligence Research(IJCIR), 2009

27. C.Srikant, C.R.Rao, Chakravarthi.B, BL.Deekshatulu, Classification and identification of Telugu aksharas using moment invariants and C4.5 algorithm, Intl. Journ.of Computational Intelligence Research(IJCIR), 2009

28. D Sujatha, B.L.Deekshatulu Algorithm for mining time varying frequent item sets Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2009, Vol.6, No2-1, pp 164-170.
