Büyük Aga Medrese

Büyük Aga Medrese (Amasya)

Büyük Aga Medrese (Amasya)
Basic information
Location Turkey Amasya, Turkey
Affiliation Islam
Region Central Anatolia
Architectural description
Architectural type Madrasa
Architectural style Islamic, Ottoman architecture
Completed 1488

Büyük Aga Medrese is a historical 15th century Madrasa in Amasya, Turkey.[1] The Madrasa was built in 1488 by order of the chief white eunuch Hüseyin Ağa of the Ottoman sultan Bayezid II.


The Madrasa has an octagonal plan and consists of the student rooms, each covered by a small dome, around an octagonal colonnaded courtyard. The largest domed room was used as the lecture room. The building is still used as a seminary for local boys who train to be a hafız.



  1. Turkey, Verity Campbell, page 471, 2007