Böse Buben

Böse Buben (German for Bad Boys) is the name of an association and club of adult gay men in Berlin, Germany, who are interested in SM, especially in flagellation (mostly spanking/caning). Böse Buben is a non-profit organization with the "intention to be a counterbalance to the commercialized scene".[1]


Böse Buben separated from Quälgeist (German for brat), the oldest association in gay SM in West Berlin, in the 1990th to form a club especially for spanking and caning. As a union or voluntary association Böse Buben was founded on September 6, 1996. The association is formally registered by the register of associations in Berlin. Men who are in need for help to manage their SM coming out will always find some encouragement from experienced people.

In 2010, Böse Buben is the leading club in Germany for all varieties of SM and one of the greatest in continental Europe. People not only from Germany but from other European countries are visiting.[1] Usually three times a week (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday)[2] there are parties for adult gay men but sometimes for 'mixed people', too. All visitors who are not permanent members of the association Böse Buben, are requested to purchase a daily membership for 6 Euro. The main event is traditionally the BÖSE BUBEN NACHT each first Saturday monthly.

For nearly 14 years Böse Buben resided in rooms for their own in Neukölln before in mid-2010 the club changed to Sachsendamm 76–77 in Schöneberg.[3]

Böse Buben is participating in the project "safety4free" of manCheck Berlin.[4]


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Philosophy — Serious Version, English". Boese-buben-berlin.de. Retrieved 2013-12-04.
  2. "Programm". Boese-buben-berlin.de. Retrieved 2013-12-04.
  3. BÖSE BUBEN – GUTER HARDCORE!, Report of the moving to "Sachsendamm" (German), published by BOX – Germany's Magazine for the Gay Community, scroll to p. 49
  4. safety4free (German)

External links