
Ayerdhal is a French thriller and science fiction writer from Lyon. His latest work prefers the thriller genre : Transparences, Resurgences and Rainbow Warriors play with various genre to enchant the reader. Rainbow Warriors (published end May 2013) flirts with political fiction with most protagonist being LGTBQ. He received the Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire in 2004 for Transparences and in 1993 for his novel Demain une oasis. He is considered one of the leading names in both genres. He shared the Prix Tour Eiffel with co-author Jean-Claude Dunyach for their 1999 novel Étoiles mourantes. He also received an award for his novel Parleur ou les chroniques d'un rêve enclavé and two for Transparences, a thriller. He also received the Cyrano award for lifetime achievement in the service of genre fiction and its actors.

In addition to his own writing career he devotes part of his time to supporting aspiring young authors and, with Le droit du Serf, to struggle with copyright laws exceptions in the service of authors.

Ayerdhal, holds genre fiction in the highest regard, not only as a tool for learning but as tool for the expression of one's imagination and political inspirations. He frequently uses a quote from French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre : "The writer's function is to make sure that no-one can ignore the world and that no-one can declare him/herself innocent."
