Axiom Business Book Awards

Presented by the Jenkins Group and, the Axiom Business Book Awards is a book contest intended to bring increased recognition to exemplary business books and their creators.[1] The awards were established in 2007, with 21 categories open to authors and publishers throughout North America and overseas publishers who publish English-language business books intended for the American market.[1]

The awards ceremony honoring each year's medalists is held to coincide with BookExpo America.[1]

Award Categories

Below are listed the 21 Axiom Business Book Awards categories.[2]

  1. General Business
  2. Economics
  3. Career (job search, career advancement)
  4. Sales (sales skills, negotiating, closing)
  5. Leadership
  6. Networking (social media, communication skills, etc.)
  7. Business Ethics
  8. Operations Management / Lean / Continuous Improvement
  9. Human Resources / Employee Training
  10. Entrepreneurship / Small Business
  11. Philanthropy / Charity / Nonprofit
  12. International Business / Globalization
  13. Personal Finance / Retirement Planning / Investing
  14. Business Technology
  15. Women / Minorities in Business
  16. Success / Motivation / Coaching
  17. Advertising / Marketing / PR / Event Planning
  18. Corporate History / Milestone
  19. Business Reference (legal, how-to)
  20. Memoir / Biography
  21. Business fable

Axiom Awards by Year

The 2013 Axiom Awards medals were awarded to 69 winning books, out of a total of 394 books entered.[3]

The fifth annual Axiom Award medalists were announced in 2012, with a total of 72 winners out of 381 books entered.[4]

The 2011 Axiom Award medals were awarded to 67 winning books, out of a total of 377 books entered.[5]

The 2010 Axiom Award medals were awarded to 78 winning books, out of a total of 346 books entered.[6]

The second annual Axiom Business Book Awards medalists were announced in 2009.[7]

The first Axiom Business Book Awards were held in 2007-2008.[8]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 "Axiom Awards". Retrieved 26 November 2013.
  2. "Axiom Award Categories". Retrieved 26 November 2013.
  3. "Announcing Results of the 6th Annual Axiom Business Book Awards". Retrieved 26 November 2013.
  4. "Announcing Results of the 5th Annual Axiom Business Book Awards". Retrieved 26 November 2013.
  5. "Announcing Results of the 4th Annual Axiom Business Book Awards". Retrieved 26 November 2013.
  6. "Announcing Results of the 3rd Annual Axiom Business Book Awards". Retrieved 26 November 2013.
  7. "Announcing Results of the 2nd Annual Axiom Business Book Awards". Retrieved 26 November 2013.
  8. "Announcing the Results of the First Annual Axiom Business Book Awards". Retrieved 26 November 2013.