Australian referendum, 1988 (Local Government)

The Australian Constitution recognises Government at Federal and State levels, but makes no mention of local government. Constitution Alteration (Local Government) 1988 proposed to alter the constitution so as to recognise local government. The proposal was put to a referendum in the Australian referendum, 1988.

A similar proposal was made in the Constitution Alteration (Local Government) 2013, but that proposal was not submitted to a referandum.


A Proposed Law: To alter the Constitution to recognise local government.

Do you approve this proposed alteration?

State On




For Against Informal
% %
New South Wales 3,564,856 3,297,246 1,033,364 %31.70 2,226,529 %68.30 37,353
Victoria 2,697,096 2,491,183 882,020 %36.06 1,563,957 %63.94 45,206
Queensland 1,693,247 1,542,293 586,942 %38.31 945,333 %61.69 10,018
South Australia 937,974 873,511 256,421 %29.85 602,499 %70.15 14,591
Western Australia 926,636 845,209 247,830 %29.76 584,863 %70.24 12,516
Tasmania 302,324 282,785 76,707 %27.50 202,214 %72.50 3,864
Australian Capital Territory 166,131 149,128 58,755 %39.78 88,945 %60.22 1,428
Northern Territory 74,695 56,370 21,449 %38.80 33,826 %61.20 1,095
Total for Commonwealth 10,362,959 9,537,725 3,163,488 %33.61 6,248,166 %66.39 126,071
Obtained majority in no State and an overall minority

of 3 084 678 votes.

Not carried


The "no" campaign in 1988 argued that this change would undermine States' rights, i.e. that it would move - or make it possible to move - some power from State Governments to Local Governments.

See also
