Australian Philatelic Federation

The Australian Philatelic Federation is the peak National body of organised philately in Australia. It is a federation of the seven State organisations (ACT Philatelic Council, Philatelic Association of NSW Inc, The Queensland Philatelic Council, the South Australian Philatelic Council, The Tasmanian Stamp Council, The Victorian Philatelic Council, and The Western Australian Philatelic Council (Inc.) ) whose members, in turn, are representatives of local clubs and societies, stamp dealers and in some cases representatives of Australia Post.

The Federation is a member of the Federation Internationale de Philatelie (FIP) and the Federation of Inter-Asian Philately (FIAP).


The Federation is responsible for the organization of National competitive philatelic exhibitions and participation in international exhibitions through its affiliations. As well, it is responsible for the promotion of organised philately nationally, and representation to Australia Post on their promotion and stamp-issuing policy.

The APF trains and accredits philatelic judges at the National level within Australia.

The President is Gary Brown (of Victoria) and Secretary is Ian McMahon (ACT).

Mission statement

The published mission of the Australian Philatelic Federation is:

to grow organised philately within Australia and provide international representation for that body of collectors;

to function as the National controlling body for organised philately in Australia; to act as the voice of organised philately in Australia;

to represent the interests of organised philately, positively and effectively, to community and government organisations;

to represent Australian organized philately to international philatelic federations and other major international philatelic organisations;

to promote and encourage an increasing understanding of the art and science of philately among stamp collectors; &

to increase the popular awareness of stamp collecting as an interesting, rewarding and educative hobby.

See also

External links