Australian Pharmaceutical Formulary

Australian Pharmaceutical Formulary and Handbook
Country Australia
Language Australian English
Subject Medicine, Pharmacy
Genre Medical reference
Publisher Pharmaceutical Society of Australia
Publication date
1902 (1st edition)
Pages 511 (21st edition)
ISBN 978-0-908185-95-5 (21st edition)

The Australian Pharmaceutical Formulary (APF) is the official drug formulary used by pharmacists in Australia, compiled by the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia. New editions of the APF are released every few years, with the latest edition being the 22nd edition.


The APF was originally a pocket-sized booklet first published in 1902, used by physicians as a drugs reference in Australia. In later editions, rather than simply being a listing of pharmaceuticals, medical and clinical information became incorporated within the publication as well, and eventually the title of the APF was extended to the Australian Pharmaceutical Formulary and Handbook.[1]


The APF is divided in a number of sections, with each pertaining to a specific topic. Information includes dispensing advice for pharmacists when dealing with consumers, clinical monographs, information on complementary medicines, clinical and therapeutic information, national pharmacy standards and guidelines, and physicochemical data of drug constituents.

See also


  1. Preface, Australian Pharmaceutical Formulary and Handbook (21st edition), page ix. Pharmaceutical Society of Australia. ISBN 978-0-908185-95-5

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