Augustus F. Hawkins High School

Hawkins High School is part of the largest school construction building program in the history of Los Angeles Unified School District. The school consists of three Small Learning Communities (CHAS, RISE, and C:\DAGS). The Schools mascot is the Red-Tailed Hawk named due to the Hawk's original habitat of South Los Angeles. The school itself was named after Augustus Freeman (Gus) Hawkins, a Watts political leader, 12-term Assemblyman, and California’s first African American elected to the United States Congress. Augustus Hawkins High School is also known as the first school in South Los Angeles to use Restorative Justice. This school opened in the year of 2012 with the first graduating class in 2014. The school Core Values are: Student Centered, Community Collaboration, Innovation and Excellence, Social Justice, and Sustainability. Hawkins High lives by greater values which was built by Teachers and Students from many schools such as Manual Arts High School, Garfield High School (Los Angeles, Ca.), Fremont High School (Los Angeles, Ca.), John Muir Middle School, and many others in the South Los Angeles community. Hawkins High School is also partnered with many organizations and schools such as USC, UCLA, St. John's Medical Clinic, Kaiser Permanente, UMMA Clinic, YMCA, and Los Angeles Child Guidance Clinic.

Hawkins Norms

Critical Design and Gaming School

The Critical Design and Gaming School, C:\DAGS for short, is School A on the Augustus F. Hawkins High School Campus. C:\DAGS is a school base on Designing and Gaming. In C:\DAGS students are making a connection between Games and general education Classes in High School such as Math, Chemistry, and Computers. On Saturday February 15, 2014, 4 teams from C:\DAGS competed for the 20th Annual Popsicle Stick Bridge Competition at CSUN

Mission of the Critical Design and Gaming School

Urgently educate and empower the teenagers of South Central Los Angeles to excel through college and become transformative leaders of our local and global communities.

Vision of the Critical Design and Gaming School

Our children are growing up in a highly technological world that is globally complex. Our school is a 21st-century learning environment, tailored to prepare our students for this digital society that rewards resourcefulness, creativity, and innovation. Teaching and learning will be responsive to our students’ lived experiences, rather than simply a classroom examination of written texts. Their learning experiences will be enhanced by the resources in the South Central community, organizations throughout Los Angeles, and through global connectivity. Each and every one of our graduates will possess the character, skills, and knowledge to succeed in the fields of science, technology, engineering, art, and math.

The Community Health Advocate School

The Community Health Advocate School, CHAS for short, is School B on the Augustus F. Hawkins High School Campus. "CHAS" is a school that stand on the value of health and advocacy around the South LA community. On September 23, members of the first CHAS Internship and Graduating class presented their research and stories at the Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS) Conference at the RAND Headquarters in Santa Monica, California.


Community Health Advocates School (CHAS) will nurture, empower and inspire the future social workers and community health advocates of South Central.


CHAS will prepare students with an understanding and a career pathway in contextually competent social work, behavioral health, and/or other community health professions in order to excel through higher education and become trans-formative leaders of our local and global communities.

Our Students

Through the study of community health, CHAS students will learn about, explore, and engage issues of social injustices. These issues and concerns often obscure efforts if they are not appropriately recognized and dealt with in practice, in social policy development, and implementation, so it will be necessary for our students to have this critical foundation.

Responsible Indigenous Social Entrepreneurship School

The Responsible Indigenous Social Entrepreneurship School, RISE for short, is School C on the Augustus F. Hawkins High School Campus. "RISE" is a school about Entrepreneurship and the value of owning a business in the Los Angeles County.

RISE Mantra

Every day you will RISE to your potential; every day you will RISE to meet higher expectations. Who RISE? WE RISE!


Responsible Indigenous Social Entrepreneurship will empower and qualify students to be transformational agents in the local and global economic world.


The Responsible Indigenous Social Entrepreneurship (RISE) School will study how business activities affect human welfare and the natural world. Our goal is to foster character, habits and academic skills that will empower them to successfully navigate through higher education and professional endeavors. Our students will understand that indigenous business practices are sustainable; and can be applied to global and local economic practices.

Our Students

Upon graduating from the Responsible Indigenous Social Entrepreneurship (RISE) School, students will have a solid academic foundation, will be employable and capable entrepreneurs prepared to participate and lead in a socially responsible competitive local and global economy. Our students will be educational leaders for the community on the areas of safe labor practices and consumer rights, making them advocates and educators. They will experience and create innovative socially responsible indigenous entrepreneurship that furthers the social, political, economic, cultural, environmental, technological goals for the South Central community.


  1. Augustus F. Hawkins High School < />
  2. Los Angeles Unified School District < />
  3. C:\DAGS < />
  4. CHAS < />
  5. RISE < />