Auguste von Littrow

Auguste von Littrow, née von Bischoff-Altenstein (13 February 1819, Prague - 23 March 1890, Vienna) was a German-Austrian author and women's movement leader.

She was the daughter of the physician Professor Ignaz von Bischoff-Altenstein. Shortly after her 20th birthday, in 1839, she married astronomer Karl Ludwig von Littrow and settled in Vienna. Rapidly the Littrow household developed into a meeting place of Viennese society. There Hermann Bonitz, Josef Danhauser, Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, August Eisenmenger, Ernst von Feuchtersleben, Ottilie von Goethe, Franz Grillparzer, Friedrich Hebbel, Rudolf von Jhering, Joseph Lewinsky, Franz Miklosich all met.

Asteroid 254 Augusta is named in her honour.

Books by Auguste von Littrow
