Augusta Browne

Augusta Browne (18201882) was an American composer who became renowned in the 1850s as part of the first wave of female composers in the country.[1] She was the most prolific of that group, and is perhaps best known for "Wake, Lady Mine", written in 1845.[2]

Augusta Browne Garrett was a female composer, publisher, author, and trailblazer during a time when men dominated each of those fields. Born in 1820 in Dublin, Ireland, she is celebrated as “the most prolific woman composer in America before 1870”. She composed over 200 songs for piano and voice in addition to numerous hymns and secular pieces. In her lifetime, she was able to create and keep a presence in the forefront of the music scene long before other women composers were able to get a foot in the door. Browne did so by her own volition, driven by the desire to write and produce music for the masses. She often collaborated with either men or women, creating musical settings to accompany lyrics written by her musical partner.

In addition to her musical works, her articles and journals propelled her into a place of respect in the literary world as well, where she published two books – one about her brother entitled “Hamilton, the Young Artist” – essays, religious tracts, poetry, and short stories. She was unabashedly dedicated to her opinions, and was willing to express even those that rebutted common beliefs and interests at the time. One of her most famous articles criticized the popular “minstrel music” of the mid-1800’s, calling it “melodic trash”, an idea which at the time made more than a few people cringe. Despite this affront, her article was reprinted in several music journals – quite a feat for a woman at that time. In many ways, Browne influenced the realization of women and their accomplishments in music and the arts.

Augusta Browne now is buried in New York’s Green-Wood Cemetery where Leonard Bernstein, Horace Greeley, and Boss Tweed are interred.


[3] [4] [5]


  1. Neuls-Bates, Carol (December 1978). "Sources and Resources for Women's Studies in American Music: A Report". Notes, Second Series (Music Library Association) 35 (2): 269–283. JSTOR 939679.
  2. Chase, pg. 160, cites Tick, pg. 146
  3. Moore, John W. Complete Encyclopaedia of Music; Elementary, Technical, Historical, Biographical, Vocal, and Instrumental. New York: [AMS], 1973. Print.
  4. Tawa, Nicholas E. Sweet Songs for Gentle Americans: The Parlor Song in America, 1790-1860. Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green U Popular, 1980. Print.
  5. Pendle, Karin. Women & Music a History. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1991. Print.